𝟏𝟏𝟒. 𝐨𝐜𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐲

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"It'll be ok"
"It won't"
"I promise that it will"
"How can you?" Elle turned in bed to face George, his expression was filled with concern as he stared at her,
"Because you're safe here, I'll keep you safe"

"And if Voldemort rocks up you'll be able to stop him?"
"No but you heard Snape, he's going to give you occlumency lessons and he's going to tip off the other side that you haven't had a dream in ages"
George was right about the not dreaming thing, the last time Elle had seen the future was sometime at the beginning of the year, as it was September now she had half hoped she may never have one again.

The news that Voldemort could possibly be thinking of coming after Elle had definitely unnerved the twins. Ever since they became friends with Elle they'd always looked out for her (especially George) but now it seemed as though whatever was going to happen was out of their control.
"Look" George began "you can't worry about that right now, even if he does consider coming after you I doubt it's his first priority... he didn't come looking for Theo he just took the opportunity to take him at the ministry".

Elle understood what George was saying but the words wouldn't push past the shield of anxiety defending Elle's brain, all she could think of was the face of Voldemort. Pale skin, red eyes, snake like slits for a nose. It terrified her.
"Elle I promise you'll be ok" repeated George "nothing will happen to you"
She nodded as George picked up one of her hands and kissed it lightly.

She placed her head on his chest and allowed him to snake his arms around her. They spent the night like that, wrapped in each others warmth. Shielded from the danger. As they slipped into a slumber everything was gone.


"I assume you understand how this works" Snape sighed as the two of them stood in his classroom. Elle had thought she would never return to Hogwarts however as Snape was continuing to teach there it was easier for her to apperate into Hogsmede and walk up than it would be for him to come to her. After all as everyone kept telling her, Snape was doing Elle a favour.

Turns out Snape actually had become the defence against the dark arts teacher as his old position of potions had been taken over by Horace Slughorn. Elle was sure Katie would be less than thrilled about that however she unfortunately hadn't seen her friend when walking into the school. She'd received a letter from her a week ago cheering about how she'd become one of the chasers on the Gryffindor quidditch team which Elle was definitely happy about.

While travelling to Snape's classroom Elle had bumped into Athena who seemed even more flustered than usual. She hadn't said much to Elle just how sorry she was about the deal with Theo and the new developments involving herself. Elle had asked whether she'd heard from Remus but she'd shaken her head assuring her that she knew he was alive. How she knew that Elle didn't know.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now