𝟏𝟓. 𝐮𝐩 𝐭𝐨 𝐧𝐨 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝

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"What's been going on with you recently" the twins sat down in front of her in the Gryffindor common room, another week had passed since Elle had confided in the head of house and now all she felt was stupid.

Surely her dreams actually meant nothing at all and she had just been embarrassing herself by acting as though she'd just predicted the future or whatever. The dreams had still been happening clearer and clearer every time but Elle had no one else to turn to now, even if she did she probably wouldn't go to them.

Although she'd now caught up with all her work realising that she shouldn't fall behind again, her friends noticed that she still looked tired and depressed every time they were with her. She wasn't her usual bubbly sarcastic self and that concerned them.

"Nothing I'm fine" Elle grunted as she stared at the muggle book she was trying to read,
"You haven't turned a page of that book for half an hour Elle" George pointed out, she looked grumpily over the top of it before putting it down on the table and looking at the boys directly.
They both shared the same look of concern that Elle had seen when she had woken George in the middle of the night.

"I'm fine honestly"
"No you're not" they deflected quickly "don't lie" Elle sighed trying to think of an excuse,
"Don't say your parents because you told us that you had a great Christmas" Fred stated before Elle even had a chance to speak,
"How did you know I was going to say my parents?".

"Mind reading obviously" they spoke in unison.
Elle looked to George who for some reason seemed more concerned that Fred, maybe it was because he knew about the dream situation. Did he know that was what this was all about.
"I haven't been able to sleep much recently" Elle lied, although this wasn't completely false, the twins frowned but this statement did seem completely believable... after all she had seemed very tired.

"How come?" George pressed,
"Think I'm just stressed... honestly its fine" she attempted a smile,
"I think she needs cheering up George"
"I was thinking exactly the same thing"
"I don't need cheering..." with that the twins grabbed an arm each and dragged her off the sofa causing her book to fall to the ground with a thud,
"Come with us lady Elle" Fred said poshly,
"There is work to be done!" George called.


Fifteen minutes later the trio were hiding behind a wall peering round a corner to stare into Filch's office,
"This is going to be absolutely brilliant" George whispered,
"We're going to get in trouble for this" Elle muttered,
"Don't fret dear Elle if we are anything, we are amazing pranksters",
"Yes and that means we are amazing at not being caught"

A loud yell erupted from the office and filch emerged covered head to toe in pink glitter, he let out another yell looking down the corridor where the trio were stationed and sniggering quietly,
"Run" the Weasley twins whispered, the three of them took off down the corridor hearing footsteps run after them. Elle wasn't as fast as the twins as they were a bit taller than her and therefore had longer legs.

"Keep up Elle" George called back grabbing her hand and yanking her forward. They skidded round another corridor and stopped in dismay when they saw a glittering Filch blocking their path looking angrier than ever.
George dropped Elle's hand and it fell limply at her side as she stood between the twins.
"Detention.... DETENTION" Filch yelled causing Elle to flinch.


The three of them sat in McGonagall's office, where they'd been sent after being caught by Filch, she stared at them in disappointment.
"I expected this from you two" she referenced to the twins "but not you Elle" she shook her head,
"We dragged her into it" George chimed,
"Yeah we just wanted to cheer her up" Fred admitted, Minerva looked sympathetic for a moment as she seemed to remember what Elle had told her about the nightmares but soon her regular expression reappeared.

"There are other ways to cheer people up than pranking our caretaker Mr Weasley"
"Yeah but you've got to admit it's hilarious" George grinned, McGonagall just stared at them sternly.
"Filch has set you a detention to clean all of the trophies in the trophy room, should take you all night, you can start after dinner... am I understood?" The three groaned at the thought of the amount of trophies there were dating back to more than one hundred years ago, they nodded nonetheless knowing there was no way out of this one.

"I thought you two were good at getting away" Elle mumbled sourly as they trudged down to the great hall,
"We are.... you were two slow"
"Was not"
"You were"
"That wasn't even how we got caught you idiot"
Elle and Fred broke into an argument as George observed not knowing how to break it up.

"I didn't even agree to your stupid prank"
"Yeah but you enjoyed it"
"SHUT UP" George yelled causing the pair to turn around and stare at him,
"Alright Georgie calm down" Fred smirked,
"Yeah no need to get all riled up we were only having a discussion" Elle added, George rolled his eyes in annoyance as they entered the great hall.

Students were already eating and the three of them found a seat at the front of the table next to Ron, Harry and Hermione.
"What happened to you three" Hermione states in her usual bossy tone,
"Got caught by Filch" Fred muttered,
"Are yous the reason Filch is covered in pink glitter" they nodded unanimously,
"Wicked" Ron grinned,
All of a sudden Elle didn't feel so bad about pranking Filch, she actually felt quite proud, but she wouldn't tell the twins that... then they'd have too much leverage.


"I can't believe we have to polish all of this" Elle frowned as the three of them sat in the trophy room staring at the mountains of glittering gold and silver.
The twins stood in silence, for once, seemingly regretting their choice of exit.
"We could've gotten away with it too"
"If it wasn't for you meddling kids" the twins turned to Elle in confusion who realised they didn't understand her reference,
"That was a good one as well" she huffed.

Polishing the gold was actually kind of satisfying, Elle enjoyed watching the dull muted colours transform into something bright and beautiful.
Fred and George however did not see the appeal in it. They complained the entire time arguing off each other about who's fault it was they got caught.

"I didn't turn right you did" George snapped,
"That couldn't be further from the truth" Fred retorted,
"Can you two shut up and actually polish something, I feel like I'm doing all the work here" the twins examined the size of their piles in comparison to Elle's. Even combined they'd done less work.

"Whatever" they muttered in unison taking up their cloths and sitting back down on the floor.
"Oh look this trophies Bill's... head boy how wonderful" Fred showed his brother who grinned,
"Is Bill the dragon tamer?" The twins rolled their eyes,
"How many times Elle, that's Charlie, Bill is the cool one"
"Cool one got it" truthfully Elle still couldn't get it right.


"Well you're definitely one of us now" Fred sighed as they walked back to the common room after polishing all the metal. Their hands were red raw and they were all extremely tired however they'd had a good laugh after the twins had stopped arguing,
"Yes you've officially had detention, we're so proud" George cooed sarcastically as Elle sniggered lightly.

"Thank god it's Friday" Fred moaned "I feel like I could sleep forever"
"Me too" Elle and George agreed in unison,
The twins grunted goodnight as they practically crawled up the stairs into their dorm. Elle did the same and wasn't as all surprised when she saw all four girls asleep, it was three in the morning after all.
Elle collapsed into her bed not even bothering to change clothes. As soon as her head hit the pillow she fell sound asleep.


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now