𝟏𝟒𝟎. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬

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The weather got colder as they entered December, the usual feeling of festivity was overcome by the growing mist continuously spreading over the villages and towns. Some days Elle could barely see out of the window for the thick clouds floating before them.

She lay beside George in bed with his arm dangling lazily around her waist. Elle wished she could see the stars but the clouds had covered the friendly twinkling lights meaning the sky outside was just grey.
George hummed gently as he to looked out of the window as it grew darker despite only being the late afternoon.

Elle turned to face him and felt her heart melt just by looking into his soft brown eyes. His ginger hair was messed up slightly from the pillow beneath his head.
"What?" George laughed as she stared in awe at him,
"I just keep forgetting how lucky I am" she smiled.

"I thought I was supposed to be the soppy one" he grinned as he tucked a stray curl behind her ear gently,
"Yeah you are" Elle agreed "but I guess it doesn't hurt for us both to be at times"
"Mmm hmm" George murmured as he stared at her.
"I can't wait to marry you" smiled Elle.

"Me neither" he said "only a month away"
"I know I can't believe it" she laughed "I'm going to get a dress tomorrow"
"I know you told me" he smirked,
"Well I'm telling you again" shrugged Elle.

They continued to look at each other for a moment longer before George eventually closed the gap between them by placing his lips on hers. The feeling of warmth spread through her like a dream as she laced her fingers in his hair and breathed in the smell of cinnamon radiating off him.

"I love you" she muttered in between kisses,
"I love you too"


Elle met her four bridesmaids outside of the shop the next day. She was entertained by the flakes of falling snow swirling around her as she waited. As they fell onto the cobbles, they instantly melted away disappointing Elle as she knew there wouldn't be a layer of snow forming anytime soon.

The four girls walked towards her excitedly and pulled her into a hug as snowflakes lay in their hair. Elle had been standing for quite a while meaning that her dark curls were embedded with droplets of white. She didn't care as they began to walk out of Diagonalley and into the muggle side of London.

It wasn't that magic wedding dresses didn't exist, it was more the fact that a lot of them were in the style of robes which wasn't exactly what Elle had been looking for. Therefore she had gone to Gringotts the previous day and swapped some gold galleons for blue paper notes.

Elle remembered the last time she had been muggle shopping was with her mother. Her heart hurt slightly as she imagines Heather being with them coming to help Elle pick out the perfect dress and crying every time she tried a different one on.

Alicia was true only girl who had a mild experience in the muggle world, the other three had been overcome by magic meaning Elle spend a brief period of time trying to explain what not to say in the presence of a muggle.
They found the shop quite easily, it was large and painted white and pale pink.

They entered happily still chatting about Potterwatch's latest broadcast which had introduced a new member Royal (who was actually Kingsley Shaklebolt).
The five girls were greeted by a chatty dress maker who sat them down on a large yet comfortable pink sofa.

Hours were taken up by trying on white dress after white dress. Elle didn't have an image in her mind however she knew that whatever she picked had to be perfect. She wanted everything to be perfect because she was going to remember this day forever. Obviously she needed it to go well.

The girls were very helpful in the way that they gave accurate opinions over the dresses. Lauren especially was not afraid to speak her mind every time that Elle walked out. Most of the time she fully agreed with the girls that some of the dresses were too big, too poofy, too plain, too showy.

Three hours passed and Elle began to worry that she should have thought about doing this earlier. She thought that it would be easy to find the perfect dress for her however considering how many they'd been through it seemed she would have to try on the entire shop before they found the right one.

With the wedding being only a month away, Elle wondered what would happen if she couldn't find a dress, would she have to pick one she didn't like, or show up wearing jeans and hope no one mentioned it.
She was losing hope quickly as the lady in the shop gave her a few more dresses to try.

Elle opened them up looking them over and deciding without trying them on that they probably weren't going to be much good. She opened the last one and frowned in surprise. She didn't immediately hate this one which was a start.
The dress in question was simple enough but was completely covered in pearls which Elle thought this suited the beach theme quite well.

She pulled it on and zipped up the back to see that it already fitted rather well without adjustments having been made. It has a simple neckline and a graceful belt with an arrangement of large pearls decorating the front. It slipped down to just above her ankles and the skirt fell simply by her sides.

Elle pushed open the pale pink curtain and stepped out. At first the girls hadn't noticed that she was done and continued to chatter between themselves. That's when Lauren looked up and spotted her. Her jaw dropped as she hit Katie quite hard in the shoulder.

All four girls turned as Katie grunted loudly to see Elle standing at them smiling in joy.
"That's it" Lauren raised her hands up "that. Is. It"
"You look perfect" Alicia nodded "absolutely perfect"
Elle grinned as she did a small twirl to showcase the full dress.

"You love it don't you" Katie urged "please tell me you love it"
"I do" Elle laughed "I do love it"
"You're making it seem like she's marrying the dress" Angelina chuckled,
"She should marry the dress it's perfect" Lauren squealed.

Elle ran her hands over it daintily as she felt the soft pearls glide between her finger tips.
She loved it. It was as though the dress was calling out to her.
Handing the money over to the relieved woman and zipping the dress into a protective bag, the girls left the shop gleefully to go have a drink to celebrate.

Now that was over with Elle's excitement for the wedding increased tenfold as she imagined herself walking down the wooden steps to the beach in that dress staring at George with all the love in the world.


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now