𝟐𝟐. 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬

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"Fred what the hell happened!"
The twin's eye was swollen and purple and seemed extremely painful, he was holding an ice pack to it and groaning in pain,
"It's ok Elle... I'll get through it" he moaned dramatically,
"He's putting it on" Katie muttered "Madame Pomfrey could heal that in seconds and you know it"

"Oh shut up Bell I'm having a moment" he sighed,
"So what actually happened" Elle turned to the group and noticed that Lauren was crying,
"It's a long story" she sobbed,
"It's really not" Angelina whispered,
"Me and Chase broke up" she sniffed holding a napkin to her eye and dabbing her cheek.

"Chase broke up with her" Angelina rephrased,
"Fred had a go at him and well" Alicia started,
"Chase punched you? He always seemed so nice" Elle gasped,
"He is" Lauren wailed,

"Chase didn't punch him one of his comrades did, Chase felt awful about it kept apologising... the git" George scowled,
"Isn't that a nice thing to do... why is he a git?"
"Because he broke up with Lauren!" The group chanted in unison, Lauren let out a strangled cry,
"I don't come to Hogsmede for one day... one day and all hell breaks loose" Elle sighed.


After dinner, the team dragged Fred to the hospital wing while he complained profusely,
"It makes me look cool" he whined as George, Lee and Angelina took the brunt of dragging him,
"It makes you look stupid" Angelina scowled as she pulled Fred's right arm,
"I stood up for Lauren... I'M COURAGEOUS... I'M A GRYFFINDOR" He yelled.

"SHUT UP" everyone yelled at him in unison.
Katie had her arm around Lauren who was still sobbing,
"We were perfect together" she complained, Elle turned to Alicia who rolled her eyes causing Elle to snigger,
"How did your day with the Hufflepuff's go?" She asked as Fred's cries filled the corridors,
"Good actually, they're a lot of fun"

"I wanted to be a Hufflepuff originally" Ally smirked "glad I'm in Gryffindor though... I think it suits me better" Elle yet again thought back about what the sorting hat had told her and felt anxiety overwhelm her,
"Do you think the sorting hat ever gets it wrong" Alicia frowned,
"Um not that I know of, why?"
"No reason just wondering if anyone ever got moved houses or anything"
"I think even if that hat got it wrong, they wouldn't bother changing their house I mean... that would be way too much effort" this thought calmed Elle slightly as they approached the wing.

Fred's eye was healed with a simple magic cream which he only had to use once, however he spent the whole journey back to the common room complaining about how they robbed him of looking cool.
Once they were all back the group fell exhausted around their usual table by the fire. None of them spoke for a few moments which was a first for the twins.
She heard them begin to speak up but it sounded muffled to her, she noticed her eyes were sagging so she closed them and immediately fell into a deep slumber.

It happened again.

But this time her dream was different. Not the usual scene of Harry clutching his head while holding a red stone. This dream was confusing, she saw the face of a tall man with curly brown hair and sunken dark eyes. On his arms were an assortment of tattoos ranging from a keyhole to a lantern, however one of them stood out. One of them was a skull with a snake protruding out of its mouth.
He looked directly at Elle for a moment before turning and yelling something at a dark cloaked figure hovering above the ground,

"No one with that mark is innocent" the voice seemed to come from Elle herself but it didn't sound like hers, the boy quivered before throwing himself down on the stone floor,
"You can't talk... you're a bloody mass murderer you are" he spat,
"Bet you're thrilled you get to share a cell with me"
"Couldn't be happier" he smiled sarcastically "Sirius Black"


Elle jolted awake shivering despite being so close to the fire, the group all turned to stare at her in surprise,
"God Elle are you ok" Angelina gasped as she stared at the terrified looking brunette,
"Yeah I'm ok" she stuttered pulling her knees up to her chest for warmth,
"You're most definitely not" Lee chimed in "what happened... was it a nightmare?"

"Did you predict the future again" Katie spoke up excitedly, Elle just nodded silently,
"What did you see?" Fred asked eagerly,
"She's not supposed to say remember Fred" George retorted,
"I.. I don't even know what I saw, I didn't recognise any of the people in the dream... well the person in the dream"
"What did they look like?" The twins spoke up in unison, George now obviously forgetting that Elle probably shouldn't say anything,

"He has dark curly hair and... dark sunken eyes... a lot of tattoos on his arms um.. I can't remember what they were oh wait.. one of them was a skull with a snake coming out its mouth... it stood out the most"
The group fell silent when they heard this description,
"What, what is it?" She muttered.

"That's the dark mark" Angelina explained "the mark that death eaters all bare on their forearms" Elle turned to George in fear but he wasn't looking at her,
"It sounds like you were describing Theodore Sanders... he used to go here"
"Yeah I know who he is... he's the one who can do what I do... the future dreaming"
"That's doesn't sound good... I hope you don't turn out like him" Alicia shivered.
"I won't don't worry"

"Course she won't ... she's not a Slytherin remember..."
"Not all Slytherins are bad but all bad wizards are from Slytherin" the group repeated in unison,
"Anyway that Theodore was always a piece of work... he was in the same year as our brother... Charlie" Fred explained,
"You didn't mention that" Elle turned to George who finally looked over at her,
"You two were talking about this before?" Angelina questioned,
"Yeah after Dumbledore told me he was the only other one who could do what I do"

"I didn't mention it because honestly I forgot" he mumbled "I forget he even went here at times when you think about what he did"
"What did he do?" Elle sat on the edge of the sofa filled with curiosity,
"You don't know?" Elle shook her head, the group turned to each other,
"Well he used the crucio curse on a lot of people, death eaters did that a lot... he drove one couple to insanity I don't remember what they were called but I know that their daughter goes here" Lee explained,
"Who's their daughter?"
"Alina Peters"


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now