𝟏𝟒𝟑. 𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐥'𝐬

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Eleanor Weasley was filled with happiness over the following weeks. The feeling from the wedding hadn't worn off and she wore the two rings on her finger in pride.
Unfortunately with the ministry being controlling over everyone and everything, the couple were unable to have a honeymoon however this didn't bother them.

The pair were happy as long as they were together and now they were 'officially' together they were happier than ever. Life continued as it normally would. They continued doing the postal service from the flat, watching movies at night and tuning into Potterwatch whenever there was a new broadcast.

For a while it seemed that everything was going be ok. Life seemed almost normal to the group. Of course they still worried over what would happen with Voldemort taking over and the golden trio being on the run but at the end of the day they could only focus on the here and now.

However the situation changed one day in April when bad news surfaced over the flat.


George burst into the room he and Elle shared looking pale and scared. The girl jumped up immediately worried about her husband.
"What's going on?" She called quickly,
"We need to leave" he muttered before waving his wand and causing clothes to fly into suitcases by themselves,

"What do you mean we have to leave... why do we have to leave?"
"We need to go into hiding" George explained "we're going to my aunt Muriel's so is Ginny and mum and dad"
"Why?" Elle asked again,
"They know that Ron's on the run with Harry, they were caught by some snatchers, were at the malfoy manner for a bit but they've escaped but now the death eaters are going to come for us so we need to leave"

Fear flooded through Elle as she looked out the window half expecting to see death eaters already pacing down the street,
"What about Bill, Charlie and Percy?"
"Bill is safe at shell cottage" George continued as he grabbed the two suitcases that magic had packed "Charlie is in Romania so they won't go there and Percy's gone to Greece with Patrick"

Elle nodded as she followed George hurriedly out into the apartment where Fred and Verity were waiting,
"I can't believe we have to go to Muriels" Fred frowned "she's a right pain"
"Are you sure it's ok for me to come?" Asked Verity looking anxious,
"Yeah course it is" Fred smiled as he grabbed her hand in his.

"Come on then we better go" George nodded as he took Elle's hand and his case. The brunette picked up her own case before George pulled her with him into a dark void.
They reappeared outside an old fashioned rather large and shabby house.

Two figures rushed out and Elle realised that it was Molly and Arthur.
"Thank god you all got here alright" Molly said as she pulled them each into a hug "come on, come inside"
They followed her in to the house that smelt like dust and strong perfume.

Elle had briefly met Muriel at Bill and Layla's wedding, she hadn't liked her very much. The old woman had greying red hair and a rather large nose shaped like a beak. She always spoke her mind about everything and was regularly quite cruel towards everyone.

She seemed less than happy to have to accommodate so many people. Ginny was sat looking bored at the large dining room table and jumped up in excitement seeing that the others had arrived.
"Thank goodness you're here" she smiled cheerfully.


The weeks spent at Muriel's were definitely anything but fun. Elle, the twins and Verity were all in one room and were attempting to keep the owl delivery service going which was driving Muriel crazy.
The woman had already told Elle that she was way too skinny and that her hair stuck out in all the wrong places. Elle found it rather amusing but couldn't help but notice George glare angrily at his great aunt when she'd said it.

News from shell cottage informed everyone that Harry, Ron and Hermione were safe there for now along with Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas, Ollivander and a goblin called Griphook.
It was an odd selection of people however no one questioned it, they were just glad that the group were all doing ok.

It seemed as though the days were counting down to something. Everyone was a bit on edge whenever someone entered the house. Elle always grabbed her wand in case it was the death eaters who had found them.
They didn't receive much news as post was being checked. The only way they properly found out about shell cottage was through a patronus.


It was near the end of April when Ollivander came to stay at Muriel's rather than at shell cottage. He looked incredibly frail and was given the second largest bedroom (the largest being Muriel's)
He brought with him news that everyone was doing ok, Hermione had been most effected but was on the mend and a house elf named Dobby had unfortunately passed away.

Muriel was more reserved in Ollivanders presence as though saying anything to the man may make him keel over. He did look close to death with his bones sticking through his skin, his hair wispy with chunks missing and his eyes being dark and sunken. He'd been held hostage in the Malfoy's basement for nearly a year so this wasn't surprising.

Elle wished that she could be back in the flat, she was grateful to Muriel for letting them all stay with her however she missed her own bed. She also missed Sunny who had not been allowed in Muriel's house and instead been taken to Remus and Athena who said they would look after him.

As April ended Elle couldn't help but think something was coming. That something was going to happen.


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now