𝟓𝟒. 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬

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Elle felt weird when she woke up, her emotions were all over the place. After this kiss, Fred had been quick to go to bed which confused the brunette slightly. She had to sort out how she felt but right now her mind was going crazy. She knew deep down that despite last nights occurrence, she still liked George.

The kiss between her and Fred had felt good but maybe that was just because she was fooling herself. After all they did look very similar. However feeing this way made her feel guilty about Fred, she didn't say no to the kiss she'd just allowed it to happen. Now she couldn't go to the twin and confess that she didn't feel the same way. That was make everything awkward and paint her out to be a bitch. But the other option was going on a pretending that she liked Fred which was overall a lie. How did she get herself into such a mess?

The first time she saw the twins was at breakfast. Fred grinned at her like he usually did while George kept his head low. He didn't even look up at her and she felt her heart drop. Did he know? If he did why would he be upset about it? questions raced through her mind leading her to walk straight past the two and sitting next to the girls. Fred shot her a confused look which she ignored and she turned to Katie who was talking about how Owen (her ex Ravenclaw boyfriend) had asked her to the ball. Turns out she'd said yes.

Elle had three lessons today (Herbology, Care of magical creatures and Transfigurations) Elle hated her timetable because it meant she had one lesson alone with Fred and one alone with George and she didn't know what to say to either of them. Fred stood next to her as usual in Herbology but she desperately tried to pretend he wasn't there by talking to Alicia the entire time. She felt extremely guilty by this as Fred hadn't done anything wrong. The only one in the wrong was Elle but she didn't know how to make it right.
Fred walked quickly after her when the lesson was over but she hurried off before he could catch up.

Transfigurations last was arguably worse as she had no choice but to sit next to George. She didn't know why things were so awkward between her and the younger twin. The only assumption that she could think of was the idea that George knew about this kiss but she still could understand why this would make things so tense. Luckily George didn't try to talk to her the entire lesson so she didn't have to force a conversation or pretend not to hear him. Elle rushed off as soon as the lesson ended feeling tears prick in her eyes. She wanted to go back to how everything had been before when she'd been friends with the twins and nothing could come between that.

Yes she liked George but she was beginning to think this was no longer going to be an option for her. Things between her and George felt as though they didn't even know each other any more. It felt as though he hadn't held her tightly while she cried in that empty classroom. As though he hadn't confided his secret to smelling like cinnamon. As though he hadn't held tightly onto her hand as then ran from danger. As though they weren't even friends. Elle ran straight up to the dorms when she arrived at the common room ignoring the shouts from Alicia, Angelina and Fred.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now