𝟏𝟒𝟒. 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐥𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧

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The news spread like wildfire.
Harry, Ron and Hermione had broken into Gringotts and escaped on a dragon.
Molly and Arthur were beside themselves with worry while the twins, Elle and Ginny cheered excitedly.
"I always thought Ron was a wuss" Fred sighed "it seems he's proved us all wrong,
"He certainly has Fred" George agreed.

Although none of them knew exactly why the trio had broken into Gringotts they decided not to question it. Why ever they had, it must have been important.
No one would be stupid enough to break into the most high security bank in the wizarding world without a good reason.

Pictures of the dragon escape flooded the papers. Elle could just make out the small figures clinging to its white scaly back.
She felt nervous at the thought of what it must have been like to cling onto a dragon for dear life, it definitely was not appealing to her.

"I hope they're ok" Molly sniffed as she poured over the paper reading it for the one hundredth time as though she may have missed a detail.
"They will be" Ginny nodded "they've made it this far"
"I just want to know what they're doing" Arthur muttered in a low tone "why would they need to break into Gringotts"

"Apparently it was a high security vault" Molly whimpered as she closed the paper "what were they thinking"
"They're doing a job Molly" Arthur assured her "they'll be completely fine"


Everyone was even more on edge now as the days passed by. They all sat expectantly waiting for more news about the trio. It was as though they expected something big to arrive.

However some news did arrive the next day when there was a large bang on the front door. The family had just been finishing off their dinner and jumped up in both fear and surprise.

Arthur moved over to the door calmly as the rest watched him in anxiety,
"Who is it?" Arthur called loudly,
"Remus Lupin" the voice called and Elle relaxed slightly however Arthur still had his wand out.

"Prove it" he called,
"I am part werewolf, my parents were named Hope and Lyll, I'm married to Athena Sinistra now known as Athena Lupin and you told me to come here if I had any news"
Arthur put his wand away and opened the door.

Lupin walked in looking rather excited. Everyone stared at him in confusion as Arthur beckoned him into the house.
"Athena's had the baby" he smiled in glee. Everyone cheered consecutively as they raised their glasses to him,
"It's a girl" he continued "we've named her Hope after my mother"
"That's incredible news" Molly beamed "come and have a drink"

They sat around the table feeling better than they had done moments before.
"She's so small" Lupin smiled happily "I can't believe she's real"
"Who does she look like?" Asked Ginny,
"Definitely Athena" Lupin nodded "she's beautiful"

"Her middle name is Mary after Athena's mother" explained Remus,
"Hope Mary Lupin" Elle smiled happily "that's lovely"
"You'll be godmother of course" Lupin looked to Elle,
"Really?" Elle gasped.

"Yes of course" Lupin laughed "I know you're already her cousin but I couldn't think of anyone better to be godmother, Athena's sister is the other godmother and I've made Harry godfather"
"That's amazing" Elle nodded "I'd be honoured,
"I can't wait for you to meet her" Remus beamed "she is the cutest"

"Have another drink Remus" Arthur offered but the man shook his head "I must go, Athena's expecting me" he replied.
They all waved him off as he disappeared into the night.


The next day seemed normal enough as it began, Elle was still happy to hear the news that her cousin had been born. She lazed around with the twins all day watching movies on the small portable Tv that they'd found in the attic. It was a terrible screen but they put up with it nonetheless.

Verity and Ginny had spent the day baking and brought up a bowl of chocolate chip cookies at some point which was greatly appreciated by the other three. They then joined in the movie watching until Ginny got called to help do some cleaning up.

It was getting later when Ginny burst into the room looking panicked and flustered,
"What's going on?" Fred asked in a groggy voice as he'd been half asleep,
"There's going to be a fight" Ginny called.

"Are mum and Muriel arguing again?" George asked,
"No a proper fight... a battle at Hogwarts, we need to go now"


This chapter is so bad lmao I didn't know what else to add.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now