𝟏𝟒𝟕. 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬

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Elle stumbled to her feet in shock seeing the body lying on the floor in front of her. His face was pale white making the red of his hair stand out just that bit more.

She walked forward slowly seeing Harry and Hermione wearing the same expression of shock and grief in there faces as they escaped the rubble caused by the explosion.

Her legs felt weak as she clutched onto the golden locket in her hand using the familiar heart beat of George to keep her steady.

His eyes were staring up at the sky without seeing and the ghost of his last smile was still evident on his face. His brothers stumbled over and collapsed next to him in tears.

Elle just stood there staring at the scene before her believing it wasn't real. However it was very real.

Percy Weasley was dead.

Fred lay over his brother in tears, it had been him who let out the painful scream. He grabbed the front of Percy's robes and sobbed into them as Ron sat beside them tears etching down his cheeks.

Elle's mind rushed to George, to the Weasley's, to Patrick.
Her heart felt heavy before she heard the yells of Harry telling them that they had to move. Fred shook his head repeatedly as Ron and Harry tried to pull him away.

The brunette walked forward to help, she took Fred's hand in hers and pulled him up. He swayed where he stood for a moment before pulling Elle close to him and holding onto her tightly. She could hear his shaking sobs as she lay her head against his chest.

"Fred we need to go" she muttered "there's still a battle"
The elder twin nodded before following Elle out of the rubble. The two of them walked out into the open air seeing the light of curses bouncing around. People were duelling all over.

"Where's George, is he ok?" Fred asked quickly,
"He went to find Ginny" Elle clasped her hand over the locket again and felt the steady heart beat "he's alive" she told Fred who nodded gratefully.

The battle flooded through the school now, parts of the castle were blowing up, others were coated in flames. Elle sighed looking at the place she'd once considered home.
She saw the familiar face of her uncle duelling a death eater. He didn't notice her as he flicked his wand impressively at his opponent sending a jet of dark liquid that seemed to burn his face.

"What happens now?" Fred asked as they continued moving out into the courtyard. Duels were happing all around and Elle wasn't sure whether to jump in or not.
Patrick was lying on the floor a while away resting against Anna, he had a nasty cut on his head. Elle considered going over to tell him about Percy but before she could a jet of light slid past her face.

She turned to see a masked death eater bearing down on her and Fred. They pulled out their wands and started duelling him immediately. Flashes of light deflected one another as they concentrated on taking him down.
It was two against one but the death eater was more skilled than them, it was obvious.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now