𝟏𝟑𝟓. 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

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The feeling of exhilaration overcame the brunette as she stared down at the gold ring twirling around her finger. She was in disbelief that this could possibly be happening to her and she felt like the luckiest girl in the world.
The sound of the apartment door opening alerted her back to reality as she turned to George who was sitting keenly beside her.

The pair of them jumped up and left the room seeing Verity and Fred standing hand in hand by the door.
"You did it didn't you?" Asked Fred excitedly as he hung his jacket up on the coat hanger.
"Yes I did it" George smiled proudly. Verity's covered her mouth in glee as Elle held up her hand which was now adorned in a band of gold.

"Told you she would say yes" Fred beamed as Verity rushed over and hugged Elle,
"Congratulations" she jumped up and down while beaming.
"Thank you" Elle responded before giving Fred a hug,
"Is this the reason why you went to the burrow without us?" Elle laughed.

"Yes practically kicked us out this one" Fred muttered while pointing at George,
"All for good reason" George shrugged, the smile of joy never leaving his face.
"Wait til mum finds out" shivered Fred "she'll go mental"
"In a good way I hope" murmured Elle.

"Never can tell" said George "she'll cry that's for sure"
"She's always crying these days" muttered Fred "I told her Ron was ok but then she wanted more information which obviously I didn't have, I told her to talk to Remus so good luck to him"
"He's probably quite preoccupied at the moment" added Elle.


Sunday rolled around and the four of them were due a trip to the burrow. Elle noticed that George looked quite nervous as he got ready. The bandages around his head were no longer needed but Elle was  still occasionally surprised to see a hole in the side of his head.  Naturally so was George.

They apperated just outside the gate and ran through the rain, squelching through the grass to get into the house.
"Arthur they're here!" Molly called as the four of them dashed in already wet from being outside for a mere moment.
They dried themselves off with a quick spell before giving Molly hugs in turn.

Arthur hurried into the room looking happy to see them all. Mr Weasley had been very flustered as of late, it seemed due to the new leadership and regimes at the ministry his job was at risk. It was known that he and his family had helped Harry numerous times in the past and although there was no standing proof that he was still doing this, the ministry had their suspicions.

"It's lovely to see you all" Arthur smiled "Bill and Layla just left a moment ago shame you couldn't see them"
"How are they doing?" Asked Fred as he took Verity's jacket and hung it up along with his own,
"Good, despite everything that's happening... they've bought a small cottage by the beach we haven't been yet of course but it sounds really lovely"
"That's great" smiled George who was quieter than usual.

"You ok Georgie?" Molly smiled calmly,
"Yep fine nothing to see here" he blurted out causing both of the Weasley parents to frown in concern.
"What's going on?" Asked Arthur quickly.
"Why don't we all sit down" Elle smiled casually as George went a bright shade of red.

They moved into the living room which was being heated by the flickering fire. Elle sat next to George and held his hand comfortingly. She was reminded about how hard it had been for him to tell his brother that he and Elle were dating, telling his parents he was getting married definitely wasn't going to be easy for him.
"So what's going on?" Arthur reiterated as he stared at the couple.

Elle looked up at George encouragingly, after all it should be him who told them not Elle.
"I asked Elle to marry me" George stated plainly and clearly. Elle beamed at the words and turned back to the parents who seemed completely shocked.
"What?" Molly gasped "you.... you what?"

"I asked Elle to marry me" he repeated in a comically loud voice causing Fred to snort.
Mr and Mrs Weasley stared at them in awe for a moment not knowing whether this was some elaborate prank, that would definitely be something the twins would find hilarious.
"I said yes" Elle added wondering if that would make words appear from the seemingly gormless gingers.

On cue, Molly burst into tears just as George had predicted.
"Mum don't cry" Fred sighed "this is a good thing"
"I'm just" she sobbed "I'm just so... I'm just so happy" she cried out finally causing the nerves Elle had felt ebb away.

The woman jumped up and hurried forward to hug the pair of them.
"Congratulations" she sniffed loudly "I'm so proud of you"
"Yes congratulations" Arthur beamed "glad to properly welcome you to the family"
"She was already part of the family" George smiled,
"Yes I know" laughed Arthur "but now it can be official"

"I can't believe it" Molly continued "first Bill and now George"
"Yeah who would have thought he'd be married before me" Fred muttered causing the group to laugh,
"Alright alright lets have some drinks" Arthur announced "we finally have something to celebrate"
"Ear ear" George smiled, this had become his favourite phrase over the last few months.


"I wish my parents could be here to see it" Elle sighed as she lay wrapped in George's arms,
"They'll be watching" George smiled as he rested his chin on the top of her head,
"You reckon?"
"Course I do" he said "that's why the stars are shining so brightly tonight"

Elle smiled at the thought as her attention drifted to the many twinkling lights out of the window,
"You said a beach wedding right?" She muttered softly,
"Yeah I did" George nodded "but I'd get married anywhere as long as it's to you"
"Me too" said Elle "though I think I beach wedding sounds perfect"

"We shouldn't wait too long" George added "with everything that's going on I want to make sure this happens"
"Of course it'll happen" laughed Elle "but if you want to do it soon then I'm all for it"
"We should just invite a few people" he smiled.
"Course" Elle agreed "I presume Fred's your best man?"

"Obviously" laughed George "mainly because he'd kill me if he wasn't"
"I'll have four bridesmaids" Elle said "Alicia, Angelina, Katie and Lauren"
"Perfect" he muttered softly "I would love to keep talking about this forever but I'm about to fall asleep"
Elle laughed as she looked up at him to see that his eyes were now in fact closed.

"Sweet dreams" Elle grinned as she kissed him lightly on the nose.


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now