𝟕𝟑. 𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐦𝐬

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The last task was only two weeks away, and Cedric was more nervous than ever. He sat with Elle outside shading the sun behind a large tree with their transfigurations books out in front of them.

To Elle's relief, George wasn't annoyed at all that she was continuing her friendship with Cedric. He'd admitted he was wrong about them and she'd assured him that she could never see a Cedric as anything other than a good friend.

However Elle couldn't not tell Cedric that she knew what the last task was. She knew that she shouldn't but after hearing him stress out so much about it she hoped it would calm his nerves slightly.

A maze was quite a vague description of the trail however it had been all that Elle had seen before the image drastically changed to a picture of darkness and destruction. She left that part out.

"So there'll obviously be some creatures in the maze" Cedric pondered "as long as there's no more dragons I think I'll be ok"
"I don't think they'd be able to put dragons it, they'd probably burn the maze down" Cedric chuckled as he continued to run his finger over the words in his book.

"McGonagall doesn't lay off on the work even in exams" sixth years we're currently in the midst of end of year exams. They'd been going on for a week and a half now so Elle only had two more days until she was free again.

They were set to finish before the last task so the students could see this as a celebration and a congratulatory end of term excitement. Cedric of course didn't see it that way, he wanted to focus on training for the tournament even if he didn't know exactly what he would be doing.

"At least transfigurations will be over by this time tomorrow" Elle sighed as she re read her animagi essay. It wasn't perfect but this had already been the second time she'd written it out and she couldn't face that again.

"Shame we still have to have lessons after these exams" Cedric huffed "to prepare us for next year" he mimicked the voice of McGonagall "they could give us a break at least" Elle grunted in agreement as she realised she'd spelt mandrake wrong on her parchment.

"Everyone seems to think that Krum is going to win the tournament" Cedric continued "I don't doubt him but he didn't come first in the last task" he emphasised the he proudly as a reminder to who actually won,
"I'm rooting for you Ced" Elle smiled "I have all my faith in you"


Elle plonked herself down on the sofa between the twins. She'd hopped over the back of the sofa, startling the, slightly as they spilled a bunch of fake wands onto the floor which promptly transformed into an array of random objects.

Elle picked up one which had turned into a rubber duck and examined it in curiosity,
"How much money do you make from these?" She pondered before Fred snatched the duck off her promptly,
"Enough" he replied still huffing over the fright she'd given him.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now