𝟕𝟗. 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭

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The beds at Grimmauld place weren't all that comfortable and Elle found herself struggling to sleep. She wasn't ungrateful to be here. She wouldn't rather be anywhere else, she got her wish of spending the holidays with the twins, what else could she want? However that didn't help the lumpy mattress and the fear that a doxy could jump out at her at any point. She lay in the dark in her shared room with Ginny. There were two beds in the room and one mattress on the floor for when Hermione arrived.

Elle knew that Ginny was asleep because she could hear her snoring softly beside her. The brunette rolled over and felt the sharp jab of a spring stick into her side. She was tired, cold and couldn't sleep. What an awful combination. She sighed loudly hoping it wouldn't wake Ginny. She knew she hadn't been in bed that long, maybe two hours. The small lit up digits on her watch told her that it was half twelve. Great.

She knew there was no point trying to sleep in this bed, it was way too uncomfortable. She sat up and felt the cold air around her increase. She shivered immediately but moved her feet out of bed and onto the crooked wooden floor. Elle knew where she wanted to be, with George. He was sharing a room with Fred (of course) but knowing the twins well, she suspected that Fred would be asleep by now.


The floorboards creaked loudly as she stepped across them bare foot. She was absolutely freezing in this house despite it being August. It was dark but she was fairly sure that she could navigate her way through the corridors and into the twins room. She passed a door and heard loud snoring reckoned was Sirius, or maybe Arthur. Elle hoped that the loud sounds that the floorboards were making would wake anybody up. She wasn't sure what people would say if they found her sneaking to the twins room, she was seventeen after all but she was unsure anyone (other that the twins, Ginny and Remus) actually knew about her and George.

Elle stopped in front of a door that she prayed was the right one, if it wasn't she was about to have to come up with a great excuse. She turned the knob and entered the room. Maybe it was because this room was smaller but she noticed as she stepped into it that it became warmer around her. Elle shut the door softly behind her presuming that the lack of noise she had just made hadn't woken anyone.
"Lumos" she was wrong. The light illuminated part of the room and Elle shielded her eyes from the brightness of the light having become so used to the shadows.

"Elle?" A voice muttered, her eyes became accustomed to the light and she could see it was George who had cast it. Fred was most definitely asleep, Elle could tell from the heavy breathing.
"Yeah it's me" she whispered pacing over quickly as George put the light out.
"Are you ok?" Was his initial reaction, Elle usually came to him in the middle of the night when she had a nightmare. Or at least she had that one time.

"Yeah I'm fine I just can't sleep" she murmured. George laughed quietly. Her eyes adjusted to the further darkness they do had been plunged into when George put out the light and she could see the grin on his face as he pulled back some of the covers.
"Come on then" Elle beamed and slid into the bed that she noted was a lot more comfortable than hers.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now