𝟏𝟒𝟏. 𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬

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Christmas came around quickly meaning the twins, Elle and Verity were all back at the burrow to celebrate. Tensions were still high considering there had been no proper news from Ron. Everyone kept telling themselves that he, Harry and Hermione would be completely fine however they weren't so sure.

Ginny was also back for Christmas telling stories about how horrendous Hogwarts had become.
"The carrows are the worst" she shivered "defence against the dark arts has just become the dark arts and in muggle studies we have to listen to them tell us how muggles are basically animals"
"What about Snape how bad is he?"

"Well we don't see him much" Ginny shrugged "he yelled at us the other day when we tried to steal the sword of Gryffindor"
"You did what?!" Fred and George yelled in unison,
"We snuck into his office and tried to steal the sword" Ginny repeated "but he caught us"

"What were you going to do with it?" Fred asked,
"Well it's not his is it, it's Harry's"
"Well Harry isn't exactly around to take the sword from you" frowned Fred but Ginny just shrugged,
"What did Snape do?" Elle asked.

"Just sent us into the forest with Hagrid" Ginny smiled "could have been a lot worse"
"Yeah seeing as it was Snape I would have assumed it would be worse"
"A lot of detentions these days are having the cruciartis curse performed on you" she sighed.
"What!?" Fred yelled "that's torture"

"Yes that's exactly what it is" Ginny stated plainly "obviously they don't care about that"
"Maybe you shouldn't go back" George suggested "we can hide you in the flat"
"I'm going back" Ginny argued "we're keeping Dumbledore's army going and I'm not leaving them"
Fred and George seemed skeptical but the youngest Weasley was determined that she was going back.


Bill and Layla decided that they wouldn't be coming to the burrow this year as they wanted to spend their first married Christmas together which was understandable. Charlie was back over in Romania meaning he wouldn't be coming over either. Remus and Athena were spending this years Christmas with Athena's parents so the gathering around the table was smaller than usual.

However to Elle's surprise, Percy and Patrick showed up about an hour after they did. Elle was excited to see Patrick as she hasn't seen him since the wedding back in August.
She rushed over quickly and pulled him into a hug smiling happily.
"Merry Christmas" she told the couple as she led them through into the living room where everyone else was seated.

Molly jumped up in glee to see Percy had arrived. Percy had been edging his way back into the family ever since he showed up at the wedding however Molly was still worried that this was all good to be true and that Percy would eventually leave again.

She rushed over and gave her son a hug before doing the same with Patrick who looked surprised but pleased to be greeted so warmly.
Elle sat beside the tall blonde on one of the comfortable fabric sofas as Molly dragged Percy away to ask him a dozen questions about how he was.

"You not spending Christmas with your family?" Elle smiled at Patrick,
"They're back in Greece" Patrick explained "they understood that I wanted to spend it with Percy"
"Well I'm definitely glad to have you here" Elle grinned "be prepared because Molly makes the best Christmas dinner ever"
"Well now I'm excited" laughed the blonde.


Before dinner, the group sat around playing a rather eventful game of charades. Which Elle had introduced to them seeing as it was a muggle game.
Elle was in stitches by the end as the twins (who decided to team up) were doing very detailed performances which despite being impossible to guess, were very entertaining.

Percy ended up winning as he did the clearest interpretations of words and phrases however the twins claimed that they should have won purely based on the amount of effort that they put in.
After exhausting themselves out with charades, they all sat around to eat the incredible Christmas dinner that Molly provided.

The incredible meal could not be summed into words. Elle ate more than she ever had done in her life as she moved through the range of turkey, potatoes and vegetables that laid over the table.
By the end everyone was too stuffed to move and Molly completed the dishes by magic as everyone sat around relishing in the amazing food they'd just eaten.

The family then sat around opening presents in the warmly lit living room. As usual, Elle and the twins had just given everyone something from the shop except for Molly who wasn't exactly the type who you'd buy joke merchandise. Instead they got her a wide range of different fudges which she was extremely happy with.

Elle received her usual jumper from Molly which this year was a deep red with a large W woven in gold.
"I know your aren't technically a Weasley yet" Molly smiled "but it's not long now... I was going to do E.W but then I realised that spelt out ew so I decided against it"
"Your initials are going to be ew" Fred gasped "that's so funny"

"You're never going to let that go are you" Elle laughed and Fred shook his head. Elle felt slightly overwhelmed by the gift. It felt as though she was finally becoming an official Weasley. Even though the family of red heads had considered her one of their own for a while now, Elle was still happy that this was finally becoming official.


By the evening, the group were sat around drinking eggnog and talking as happily as they could while trying not to think about what was actually going on at the moment.
The last colours of the sky faded into darkness and Elle was disappointed to see it was another starless night outside.

Elle sat with her head on George's shoulder as usual as the light from the fire gave the room a comforting orange glow. The rather dumpy Christmas tree glistened in the corner, the red baubles twirling around serenely standing out against the soft green of the pines.

"Well we better get off" Percy announced as the conversion died down. Molly looked rather disappointed but smiled nonetheless,
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sorry but we do need to be going" Patrick smiled apologetically "we'll see you at the wedding though, only a few weeks away"

Excitement rushed through Elle at the thought. Everyone waved goodbye to the couple as they left the burrow and apperated into nothingness.
"Are you sure you lot don't want to stay here tonight?" Ginny frowned looking slightly hopeful,
"Nah we have to go because they'll be packages needing delivered tomorrow morning" yawned George.

Another day of racing around sending parcels out with owls definitely did not excite Elle and she rolled her eyes making sure she wasn't spotted by Fred who still wouldn't hear a word against the postal service.
Two hours passed and the sky was now a velvet black, the group decided it was time to go and they hugged Ginny, Molly and Arthur goodbye before leaving the house into the cold air and apperating away.


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now