𝟖𝟑. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡

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The last few weeks of staying at Grimmauld place were surprisingly great. Although the kids were sent back to cleaning duty, Elle didn't mind. She enjoyed spending her time talking excitedly about the upcoming school year. It would be her last year at Hogwarts which was oddly daunting as she had no idea where she wanted to go after she left school. What would she do? Her initial idea would have been to follow Fred and George but she wasn't sure if this would be the right choice for her.

The days went faster and faster and soon the weather had returned to a less sweltering state. Cool air could be felt flowing through open windows and Tonks hair had restored itself to being long and pink. Elle had spent a lot of time while at Grimmauld place talking to her her brother and although she was excited about going to school, she knew that she was inevitably going to miss him.

A few days before the first day of school, the group travelled to diagon alley to collect their school belongings for the upcoming air. Molly suggested that they would all travel by floo powder as the house had a perfectly good fire place however Elle and the twins decided they would much rather get there through apperating. They had come to love it considering it was so much easier than other travelling methods.


They left quite early and it didn't take them long to restock as they pretty much had all of the things they needed. The main change was the book they needed for defence against the dark arts. The one they were told to purchase didn't look at all exciting, Elle had skimmed through it and seemed concerned over the lack of instructions towards actually performing spells. Maybe the new teacher would have new practical methods that lay outside books.

It only took the trio an hour to get everything they needed, including a drink in the leaky cauldron.
"We better be heading back" Fred muttered as he downed the last of his drink, the other two nodded and went out into the courtyard to apparate.
They arrived back in the kitchen of Grimmauld place. The only one in there was Theodore who jumped violently spilling tea all over the table.
"Sorry" Elle smiled happily.


"Can you believe this is going to be our last year at school?" Elle sighed as she finished packing her case,
"Definitely not" George frowned "I don't think we've left enough imprint Fred"
"Couldn't agree more George" Fred replied "plenty of time this year, especially with our skiving snack boxes"
"You are going to work as well aren't you" Elle pondered, the two of them gave her an exasperated look,
"You sound like Hermione"
"I'm just saying" Elle laughed "we do have exams in case you forgot"
"We didn't' George smiled.

The next day was the day where they would usually be getting the Hogwarts express however the three of them had decided to apperate into Hogwarts and walk the rest of the way,
"It would be your last train journey" Molly sighed at the trios decision,
"We'll get the train back at the end of the year" Fred argued "and at Christmas and Easter if you insist"
The reason they had decided to apperate was purely so they could lie around lazily all day doing nothing which seemed like a solid alternative.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now