𝟏𝟒𝟓. 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐬

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Everyone jumped up immediately as though they had never even been tired,
"How do you know?" Fred asked quickly, Ginny just held up what seemed like an ordinary galleon. Elle recognised it as one of the fake coins designed as a method of communication between Dumbledore's army.
"Harry, Ron and Hermione arrived at Hogwarts and Neville said there's going to be a fight"

"Let's go then" Elle said "if there's a fight then we have to be there"
"Elle's right" George nodded "come on we better tell mum and dad"
"We should inform the order as well" Fred suggested. They rushed through the house and nearly knocked down the Weasley parents door.

They opened it looked rather tired and concerned.
"There's going to be a battle at Hogwarts" Fred blurted "we need to go"
"Slow down" Arthur muttered,
"There's no time" Ginny pleaded.

"What do you mean there's going to be a fight at Hogwarts?"
"Harry's there now" Ginny tried to explain "please we've got to go"
"We should inform the order Molly" Arthur stated quickly,
"You're not going anywhere" Molly pointed at Ginny "you're too young"

The rest of the group didn't hear Ginny's argument as they were racing back up to their room to get changed.
Elle pulled on her jeans and black boots along with a plan grey sweater and her favourite leather jacket. She shoved her wand in one of the belt loops and rushed back out into the landing.

"Mum and Dad have gone to inform the order" Ginny rushed over to them also changed "we should go now"
"Mum said you weren't coming" Fred frowned,
"Yeah you're too young" George agreed,
"There's no time to argue" Ginny stressed "I'm coming ok?"

They looked sceptically at each other before linking arms,
"You need to apperate inside the hogs head pub" Ginny told them "if you do it outside you'll set an alarm off"
Fred nodded as he turned and guided them all into the darkness. Elle grasped George's hand as they were pulled through what felt like a tight space.

With a crack they all arrived inside the dingy bar that Elle had only been inside once before. Footsteps came stomping down the stairs and an old man with a long dirty white beard appeared there looking rather disgruntled.
"This way" he called and the five of them rushed up the stairs behind him.
They appeared in a smaller room which was just as dull as the actual bar. The man moved towards a portrait of a young girl with blonde hair and a bright smile.

To Elle's surprise he pulled the portrait open to reveal a long passage way.
"This was never on the marauders map" Fred gasped as he stared into the tunnel,
"Yes it's fairly new"
"There'll be some more people showing up soon" Ginny said quickly before she jumped into the tunnel first.

They all followed, George kept his grip on Elle's hand as they walked down it. It was small dark and oddly scented. The twins had to duck in order to fit through it as they were so tall.
Ginny led the way with her lit wand as they followed the sloping tunnel upwards.

They reached an opening at the end which they all clambered through.
Elle gawped in surprise to see a group of people standing around. A few cheered when the five of them entered. The twins bowed in appreciation causing Elle to laugh.
She spotted many of the old members of Dumbledore's army including the golden trio who although looked tired seemed perfectly fine.

Ron rushed over to greet his siblings as Elle looked around at the large room they were in. She had definitely never been in here before. It was roomy with a high ceiling. Hammocks hung from the walls which were covered in tapestry's of each house.
Tables were scattered around the room and there were other staircases leading to other areas.

"It's the room of requirement" Ginny explain as Elle looked around in confusion,
"It's incredible" she smiled happily, Ginny nodded in agreement,
"It's where we've been continuing Dumbledore's army" she smiled proudly.

Everyone stopped chattering as Harry stood up on a table to address the room,
"I'm not here for a fight" Elle felt rather disappointed at this, if there wasn't going to be a fight then why were they here?
"I need to find something, an ancient artefact of Ravenclaws does anyone have any idea what it might be?" He looked hopefully over to the small band of Ravenclaws.

"It could be Ravenclaws lost diadem" Luna smiled helpfully,
"The key word there Luna is lost" Cho-Chang shrugged "no ones seen it for centuries"
Harry frowned "I'm not sure what else it could be"
"There's a replica on a statue in our common room Harry" Cho smiled "I can show you if you want"

"That would be great" Harry beamed "we'll go now"
"Luna will take you" Ginny called out a slight hint of jealousy in her tone "wont you Luna?"
"Yes I'd love to" the bubbly blonde stood up and began leading Harry out of the room while Cho sat down looking rather disappointed.

"Did he say there wasn't going to be a fight?" Fred frowned,
"I think he did Fred" George replied,
"Well that's a shame" Fred sighed "I was looking forward to kicking some death eater ass"
"Well we're here now we might as well hang around" Verity shrugged, she too was staring in awe at the large room.

Over the next few minutes more and more people came through the entrance, Mr and Mrs Weasley came with Bill, Charlie, Layla and a girl Elle didn't recognise who seemed to be holding hands with Charlie. Members of the order came such as Remus, Athena, Kingsley and Tonks who came alongside Hazel who Elle had briefly met at the wedding.

Alicia, Angelina, Lauren and Katie arrived looking happy to see the group. They were followed by Lee Jordan and Anna who raced over to greet the rest. Fred and George roared with excitement when Oliver Wood entered the room followed by a pretty dark haired girl who Elle also didn't know.

Elle also saw Kaylee and Dan from Slytherin, Aurora Peters who immediately ran over to Neville and Emilia and Lawrence. Soon the room was filling up rapidly and everyone seemed to believe there was a fight coming. At some point Kennedy walked through holding her baseball bat as usual and looking rather anxious. She walked over to Athena immediately who hugged her gratefully.

The last few to come through the portrait were Patrick and Percy who looked rather out of breath.
"Sorry we're late" Patrick panted as he walked over "tried to apperate from Greece and had to go back because I left one of my feet behind" Elle winced.
Anna hugged her best friend quickly while the other Weasley brothers greeted Percy happily.

More time passed before Harry raced back into the room with Luna. Everyone fell silent as they looked at him,
"Voldemort is coming" Harry announced "there's going to be a fight".


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now