𝟕. 𝐟𝐥𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬

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The first week went surprisingly quickly. At this point Elle had partaken in nearly every lesson. Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Divination, Defence against the dark arts, History of magic, Care of magical creatures and Herbology. The only lesson she hadn't yet had was flying. This had been what she was most looking forward to considering Fred, George, Angelina and Alicia never shut up about it. They talked about Quidditch a lot to say the least and were excitedly discussing the Quidditch trials at lunch.

"We need a new chaser and a seeker" Angelina sighed as she ate her dry looking ham sandwich,
"You should try out Elle" Alicia smiled excitedly, the group said this a lot and Elle laughed at them every time.
"I've never even touched a broomstick Al" she smirked but Alicia shrugged.
"You just have that aura, you know?" Elle shook her head but the conversation was soon interrupted by another figure coming to sit next to Lee. He had short brown hair, dull eyes and was very obviously quite attractive.

"Elle this is Oliver Wood, I don't think you've met yet" Angelina butted in, Elle smiled at Wood. She'd heard of him of course, with all the talk of Quidditch the Gryffindor captain had been brung up,
"You'll never guess what" Wood muttered excitedly as though he didn't want anyone to overhear,
"McGonagall has only gone and found us a seeker" Angelina clapped in excitement and Fred and George cheered loudly earning them an annoyed glance from Wood who was obviously trying to keep a low profile on this.

"Who is it?" Alicia murmured, Oliver looked around again to make sure no one was listening and the team leaned in,
"Harry Potter" Oliver whispered, Angelina and Alicia seemed taken aback but Fred and George had never looked more excited,
"But first years are never allowed to" Alicia began but was immediately interrupted by Wood,
"I know, I know but McGonagall's changing the rules for him... apparently she saw him dive impeccably to catch something in his first ever flying lesson... very impressive if I do say so myself" he nodded proudly, "anyway I've just been out running him through the game and I think he'll be great, fresh blood is just what we need to beat the Slytherins this year... now all we need is a chaser".


After lunch Elle had to sit through defence against the dark arts and divination before she was able to have her first ever flying lesson. She was beyond excited at this point but tried to keep it together and act like it wasn't a big deal as she knew this annoyed Angelina, Alicia and the twins who were Quidditch obsessed.

Defence against the dark arts moved slowly, Elle sat at the back between the twins and had to endure them making new and creative jokes about Quirrel's turban the entire lesson. Even though defence against the dark arts was supposedly one of the most interesting and exciting lessons, Quirrel managed to make it boring with his jittering high pitched tone and jumpy attitude.

In divination Elle was continually grateful that she had Lee sitting around the purple clothed table along with the twins, otherwise it was unlikely that she'd ever get any work done. Teachers were no match for Fred and George's jokes and ,bar a few teachers such as McGonagall and Dumbledore, they managed to make fun of teachers relentlessly. The teachers rarely noticed but sometimes the jokes were so amusing that anyone in the near vicinity of Fred and George would be doubled up in fits of laughter, that the teachers did notice.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now