𝟕𝟕. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫

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Elle felt slightly sick when her and Remus arrived at the destination. She frowned noticing that they didn't seem to be anywhere magical. They were faced by a block of houses that seemed completely normal. When her uncle had described the idea of 'headquarters' and 'the order of the Phoenix' she'd imagined something a lot more exciting.

"Ready" Lupin smiled down before he pointed his wand at the houses discreetly and muttered words under his breath. A low rumbling came from the houses themselves and Elle's mouth gasped as she saw they were beginning to move. They were stretching outwards as another house began to appear. Bricks groaned against each other and curtains flapped in the sudden winds but the muggles in the windows hadn't seemed to notice.

By the time the secret house had revealed itself Elle was completely in awe. Remus walked promptly towards the door and Elle hastily followed.
"12 Grimmauld place, also known as headquarters" Lupin states proudly. The door opened and standing behind it was Molly Weasley.

"Elle dear, Remus told us you were coming" she pulled her happily into a hug. Molly smelt like fresh baked goods and Elle hungrily hoped that she had been making some.
The house itself was shabby and old. Covered in dust, it had a muffed smell which Elle couldn't quite describe.

"The meetings going to start when Severus gets here Remus" Molly bustled through the corridor and into the kitchen, Elle followed not knowing what else to do. The idea that Snape was coming certainly didn't bring her any joy but hopefully she'd be able to stay out of his way.
"Would either of you like a cup of tea" both Lupin's politely declined.


Molly opened the door into a large kitchen which has a long table where a bunch of people were sitting around.
On the far left was a muscled ginger Elle knew to be Charlie Weasley, he had cuts and burns over his forearms that he had likely received from working with dragons in Romania. He was dressed casually in a flannel shirt and had a mug of hot tea in his hands.

Next to him was a figure she instantly felt better upon seeing. Theodore Sanders. Also known as Elle's older brother. She hadn't been aware that he would be here but she was definitely happy to see him. He grinned at her which suggested he felt the same. His hair was shorter than last time and he had less prominent shadows under his eyes. He was dressed smartly in a green shirt.

Along from Theo were two women that Elle recognised as teachers from Hogwarts. They were known at the school as the astrology sisters. Elle had only ever been taught by Aurora Sinistra who usually took on the older students. She had her hair in a tight bun and looked more unimpressed that her sister in her bright yellow robes. She had a beautiful face however her frown made Elle feel as though she was in trouble.

Athena was the other sister who was dressed in royal blue velvet robes. Her hair was more unkempt and messy and she had stunning chocolate eyes and a dreamy smile. Elle recalled that one of these sisters had been the reason Angelina had realised she liked girls. Elle assumed that it must be Athena as she seemed a lot more ethereal. She beamed at Remus as he entered.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now