𝟖𝟔. 𝐢 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭

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Elle stared down at her hand in disbelief. The message was fading now and her hand just looked mildly red. She looked up to Umbridge who was smiling at her with her stupid frog like face.
"Everything alright dear?" She enquired. Elle opened her mouth as though to say something then she realised it was obvious that Umbridge knew what had just happened.

"Everything's fine" Elle lied before turning her head back down. Umbridge was doing this on purpose. This was pretty much torture she frowned.
Elle began writing the message again. She felt the pain in her hand but didn't look. All she had to do was get this over with.
She had never been very good with pain. Maybe this detention wouldn't have bothered many as much but Elle couldn't stand the feeling of her skin being cut every time she wrote out a line.

By the time she'd finished a page there were hot tears in her eyes. She was so angry that Umbridge was putting her through this but she didn't dare say anything.
She also didn't look at her hand. Elle could tell it was bad as she had felt a trickle of blood run into her palm.
Elle wondered how long it would take for this message to scar, was that what Umbridge had wanted.
The teacher had said to keep going until the message had sunk in after all.

She turned over the page and continued writing. Maybe she should have wrote something else just to spite Umbridge. Such as 'Umbridge is completely shite teacher' or just 'pink bitch'
Elle however did not do either of these things, she was in enough trouble as it was.

Half an hour had passed now. There was a small pink clock on the wall patterned in cats that kept Elle informed of the time. She sighed before writing out the message again, would her hand ever heal at this point. It was burning in pain as every time it got a chance to heal itself, Elle would write another line and it would cut open.

Should she tell a teacher about this? Surely they weren't openly letting this happen. McGonagall hadn't seemed to like Umbridge, maybe she should go to her. However she didn't want to give Umbridge the satisfaction of winning. She was sure that if Elle complained, Umbridge would still have a triumphant expression on her face and somehow that angered Elle more than knowing Umbridge was practically torturing her.

Even if she did tell someone, what would they do. It seemed since Umbridge's authority came from the ministry, teachers were unable to speak out against her. Maybe Dumbledore could do something but she didn't exactly want to go to the headmaster complaining about a cut on her hand.

An hour passed. Elle wondered if Gryffindor were having a celebration in the common room. She had hoped she'd be back in time to experience some of it however at this rate it seemed she'd be here all night. Anyway she wasn't exactly in the partying mood. She was close to crying from the pain in her hand as it was burning now. The message couldn't be seen, it was coated in blood but Elle knew that if she wiped that away the words would be imprinted loud and clear.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now