𝟖. 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡

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That afternoon Elle had to go out to the Quidditch pitch, due to Alicias instructions, the curly haired girl walked her all the way down before admitting that she'd promised to meet the other three girls in the library and had to dash. Elle thanked her for walking down but felt disappointment at the idea of Alicia not staying with her. Now she would have to face Wood alone, he wasn't particularly scary or intimidating but she still felt that he had high expectations... being the captain and all.

Elle saw Oliver standing at the opposite end of the pitch to where she was standing, she began to walk shakily over telling herself to take deep breaths and not be so nervous about it all. After all she knew that she could fly, Hooch and McGonagall had convinced her of this much and even if she ended up not getting on the team, it wasn't the end of the world. However since she'd been surrounded by Quidditch talk so often she'd found herself motivated to want to be on the team as though this was a goal that had to be achieved.

Oliver was holding a trunk when she walked over he smiled welcomingly and placed it down,
"I presume you already know a bit about Quidditch since you hang around with nearly ever member of the team but Alicia said it would do no harm for you to have a walk through" he stated in his thick accent.
"Yes... thank you for this I really appreciate it" Elle smiled and he nodded in response.

"It's no problem in all honesty I want you to get on the team... your definitely the best option but I won't led that cloud my judgement when it comes to the try outs"
"Brilliant" Elle smiled looking at the crate in curiosity, casually wishing that he would let it cloud his judgement that would certainly save her some stress.
"So how much do you know about Quidditch" Wood smiled as he put the box down, he looked nervous for the response as though he expected her to be a lost cause, luckily Angelina had told her all about the game while they were getting their robes fitted in Madame Malkims and since Elle had been so intrigued, she'd remembered pretty much all of it.

"I know there are three chasers, two beaters, one keeper and one seeker... the main point of the game is the chasers trying to throw the Quaffle into those hoops" Elle pointed at them "the keeper defends those, the bludgers fly around and the opposing team beaters try to hit to hit the players on the other team but the beaters hit them away from their own and the seeker has to catch the snitch which is basically the decider of who wins the game depending on how many points have been scored" Elle smiled proudly, Oliver looked taken aback for a moment before replying.

"Well yes that is pretty much everything... I'm not sure why Alicia thought you needed this" he frowned, Elle was glad Wood thought this way because it seemed to her that she had enough preparation to be good at the sport.
"She really wants me to make the team... I guess she was just making sure I knew what I was doing"
"So are you confident about this?" Elle shook her head immediately,
"Just because I know what's going on doesn't mean I know how to play".

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now