𝟏𝟎𝟓. 𝐧.𝐞.𝐰.𝐭

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The school had been in chaos since Fred and George's exit. Students were trying hard to gain the title of Hogwarts next prankster. There were dung bombs going off left right and centre meaning many students had resorted to using bubble head charms when walking between lessons however this did give you the odd appearance of having an upturned goldfish bowl on your head.

Lee Jordan had managed to levitate a niffler into Umbridge's office and it had wrecked the whole room leaving the woman more annoyed than ever.
"Fred and George gave it to me" Lee grinned "no idea how they got hold of it though"

Peeves hadn't let the twins down when they told him to give Umbridge hell. He'd been causing more havoc than usual which was saying something. Elle was sure that one day when she walked down the corridor to see the poltergeist unscrewing one of the chandeliers, she heard McGonagall mutter from the corner of her mouth,
'It turns the other way'

It seemed that the teachers didn't know how to remove the portable swamp that the twins had left. Even Flitwick claimed that he couldn't despite his years experience of charms. Elle assumed that they actually did know. The teachers seemed to be enjoying aggravating Umbridge as much as the students.


However the fun didn't last long as shortly after the dramatic exit, exams started.
Elle had to sit eight exams (two for each subject) one of these would be practical and the other written. She spent all of her free time now revising.
If she wasn't eating or in a lesson she would be pouring over a book hoping to absorb all the information within it.

Her friends were all the same (except Katie who had an extra year).
The girl kept complaining that she was so stupid for having to re sit a year again. Elle tried to reassure her by mentioning her friend (Patrick) had also stayed back an extra year however Elle knew this had nothing to do with his academic abilities as he was naturally very smart.

The last day before the start of exams was a Sunday and Elle had spent to whole day (from 6am in the morning to 12am at night) studying.
By the end of it, her head was pounding and she was extremely tired meaning it was easy to fall straight to sleep.

The next morning at breakfast nerves were high. Elle received a letter from her uncle and her parents wishing her luck. She could tell they had been opened and sealed again by the slight tears in them.
The examiners arrived that morning, there were quite a few of them as Owl exams were taking place around the same time.

Elle's first exam was the written transfigurations one. She thought it went ok but lost concentration halfway through as she answered a question about animagi.
Her mind wandered to her brother (who she knew could turn into a snake at will) she wondered how he was doing shut up in Grimmauld place.

She suddenly realised that she'd lost three minutes while thinking of this and rushed back to the paper to finish the question.
By the end of the hour she'd completed every question but hadn't had time to go back through and check her answers. Elle just had to hope she hadn't made any stupid mistakes.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now