𝟒𝟔. 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐦 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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When Elle woke, she was lying in the hospital wing. She hadn't realised she had fallen asleep as all she remembered was following Snape down to the castle filled with worry of her uncle and her brother. Ron was lying in the bed next to her with moaning quietly as his leg was propped up and covered in bandages.
Harry and Hermione were talking quietly and hadn't noticed that she was awake. She stood up quickly and the pair swung around.

"What's happened" the two observed her carefully for a moment,
"Sirius and Theodore have been captured, they'll be performing the dementors kiss on them any moment now" Elle's heart sank as she thought of the two. They were both innocent but no one believed that.
All of a sudden, Dumbledore burst into the room causing all four students to jump,
"Professor, Sirius is innocent" Harry piped up,
"So is Theo" Elle added, Hermione and Harry turned to her in confusion as they obviously weren't aware of his "he was under the imperius curse Professor... even ask Remus he knows"

"Professor Lupin is in no fit state to confirm any stories at the current time" Dumbledore corrected causing Elle to sigh loudly,
"You have to believe us Professor" Hermione added,
"Oh I do... but I don't think the word of four teenagers is going to persuade anyone else" the group went dismally silent as Dumbledore paced the room.
"Time is a curious thing" he directed this to Hermione who's eyes widened in realisation.

"You must remember the rules miss Granger, you can't be seen but if you succeed more than two innocent lives will be spared tonight... three turns should do it" he winked before closing the wings doors behind him,
"What the bloody hell was that all about" Ron voiced Elle's thoughts,
"I'm sorry both of you but it's easier with two" she muttered as she removed a necklace from her jumper and threw it over her and Harry's necks. Elle turned to Ron who seemed just as confused as she was. Hermione tinkered with the necklace for a few seconds before vanishing.

"What the-" Ron was cut off by the doors to the hospital wing bursting open. Elle gawped in amazement as Harry and Hermione ran through seeming breathless.
"What... we were just talking to you here... and now you're over there" Ron stuttered,
"Don't be silly Ron"
"Yeah Ron it's not as though we were in two places at once.


Elle later learned that Hermione had been gifted a time turned so she attend multiple lessons at the same time, using this device they'd been able to go back and safe Sirius and Theodore as well as Buckbeak. Unfortunately Elle hadn't got to say goodbye to her brother but nevertheless she was happy that he was safe.
Everyone was asleep when Elle returned to the common room which wasn't surprising considering that the next day marked the beginning of the OWL exams. Elle wasn't tired considering she'd just slept in the hospital wing but climbed into bed anyway knowing that she needed a good nights rest for the beginning of her exams tomorrow.

She was surprisingly confident over them considering that she'd studied none stop over the last few weeks. However her mind currently wasn't focusing on that, instead she thought of Theo, of how he wasn't guilty. She actually had a brother.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now