𝟏𝟎𝟗. 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲

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The two first days of living with the twins was as amazing as you'd expect. They spent most of the time setting up the shop with more colourful and chaotic decorations.
Elle could see as people walked past that they'd gaze into the closed shop in admiration leading her to believe it was bound to be a success.

The twins had taken to business naturally, they seemed to have a flare for creating quirky one liners and product names as well as having creativity towards creating products.
Being around the two red heads would momentarily leave Elle forgetting everything that was going on in the real world which was in fact exactly what she needed.

"We will of course need to hire someone to help work the shop" Fred stated importantly as the three of them sat around the small circular kitchen table,
"I'll help work the shop" grinned Elle,
"Yeah I know you will" George smirked "but we'll need someone else as well"

"I've put out advertisements" Fred continued "and we've got a lot of applications actually"
He reached behind to grab a stack of papers off the counter. As he placed them down in front of the group really saw the smiling faces attached to the applications moving just as magical photos always did.
"Blimey that is a lot" George sighed "we better hire someone soon the shop'll be opened in a fortnight"

"Exactly my thinking George" Fred interjected "however were spending the week out getting resources"
The two of them pondered to themselves for a moment before turning their gazes to face Elle who was currently biting in to a bit of toast,
"What" she mumbled with her mouth full,
"How would you feel about being in charge of hiring" George smiled sweetly "we'll pay you extra"

"You're not paying me at all" Elle laughed "but you don't need to" she added quickly,
"You can't work for us for free" Fred frowned "that's slave labour that is"
"You're not exactly forcing me" Elle shrugged "plus you're letting me live with you, anyway I'd be honoured to be in charge of hiring" she beamed.


That was settled then, while the twins were away for a few days buying more resources for their products, Elle would be sifting through papers and conducting interviews.
She was relatively excited for this considering it was a moderate responsibility towards the running of the shop. Elle didn't like to kid herself and suggest her role so far was of high importance but she was glad they were letting her do something worthwhile.

"I'll see you on Thursday" George smiled as he leant down to kiss Elle "Don't burn down the shop"
"Sounds more like your forte" Elle winked as they began walking down the large staircase.
Fred was waiting by the door looking impatiently at his watch,
"You sure you'll be ok Elle?" Fred called,
"Course I will" she smiled "by the time you come back I will have hired the best shop assistant ever"

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now