𝟏𝟐𝟗. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐚𝐫

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They arrived on the soft ground outside of the burrow feeling tired and anxious. The windows were lit with a warm glow and as soon as they arrived they could hear footsteps running.
The door burst open and a bunch of figures ran out. Athena went towards Remus to hug him but he stopped her with his wand.
"Someone gave away our secret tonight" he began calmly "we have to check that you are really Athena"

Elle could feel the effects of the polyjuice potion wearing off, her hair was growing long again and she was moving away from the ground. She took the glasses off her face carelessly.
"What did I say to you the night before Peter betrayed Lily and James" Remus spoke good Athena,
"When this war is over we'll get married and it'll be the most beautiful thing anyone's ever seen" he lowered his wand and smiled before hugging his wife tighter than ever.

"Where's George?" Elle asked quickly, Fred was standing not far away looking exhausted. His hands were covered in blood. Why were his hands covered in blood?
"About that" Fred sighed. Elle's eyes widened as her heart started beating ridiculously fast. She pulled the locket out beneath the clothes she had on and held it tight in her palm.

There was still a heart beat. But it was fainter that usual,
"Where is he?" Elle asked again,
"Living room" Fred muttered, Elle spared no time in pushing past the group and sprinting into the house.

She approached the living room faster than ever.
What she saw made her feel sick.
George was lying half asleep on the sofa, the side of his face completely covered in blood.
"George" Elle whispered as she ran over and knelt beside him.

"You're ok" he muttered "thank god you're ok" Elle wrapped her hand around his tightly as she gazed at the large hole in the side of his head,
"You've lost an ear" Elle gasped "how did that happen?"
"Got blasted off" George groaned "by Snape"

Anger raged through her at the thought of the wicked potions Professor. Elle hated him more than ever in this moment.
Molly came hurrying through with a damp cloth. The brunette moved to the side slightly so Molly could mop up the blood on the side of his head.
"I'm saint like" he smiled at Elle and she frowned.

"That joke won't be anymore funny a second time" Fred called as he entered the room,
"Elle hasn't heard it yet" George protested,
"What do you mean you're saint like?" Elle turned back to the younger twin,
"I'm holy" he smirked "geddit?"

She couldn't help but laugh as she stared down at him. Tears slipped out of her eyes as she did so.
Molly managed to clean up a lot of the blood but George remained lying down for the time being while Elle stroked his hair calmly.
"Who isn't back?" She asked noticing the limited amount of people in the room.

"Bill, Layla, Mad eye and Mundungus" Arthur replied "they should have been back before now"
Molly whimpered slightly as she made drinks fly across the room with a flick of her wand.
There was a crack outside and everyone looked up. Many ran to go see who it was but Elle stayed beside George who looked too tired to move.

The couple stepped into the house and Elle saw that it was Bill and Layla who had returned.
Bill has a solemn expression on his face as Molly attacked him with a hug.
"Mad eyes dead" he said over her shoulder. Elle felt a shiver pass through her as the information digested.

"No" Remus shook his head "he can't be"
"I saw it" Bill protested "Voldemort went straight for him, he presumed Harry would be with the most powerful auror, Mundungus panicked and fled"
Silence fell.

"Someone betrayed us" Tonks spoke out "they knew Harry was being moved tonight"
"I know what you're thinking" Bill began "but it can't have been Mundungus, Voldemort didn't know there were going to be eight Harry's, that threw him off and that part was Dung's idea"
"Someone must have said something" Layla sighed "how else could he have known?"

"No" Harry said loudly and everyone turned to face him "if someone let something slip... I'm sure they didn't mean to... i trust everyone in here and Voldemort would want us to turn against each other and we can't do that"
"Ear ear" George called as he raised his glass of fire whiskey into the air. Fred and Elle both snorted at George's remark.

"To Mad-eye" Harry smiled as he raised his class in the air,
"To Mad-eye" everyone repeated. Elle drank some of the fiery liquid and felt her throat burn though it definitely warmed her up.
A few more moments past where everyone stayed quiet in memorial of Moody.

"I'm going" Harry spoke up,
"Harry what are you talking about" Arthur frowned,
"You're all in danger while I'm here" he said again,
"What do you think tonight was for" Molly protested "if you leave it was all for nothing"

"Yeah what about my bleeding ear" George smirked,
"And Mad-eye wouldn't want-" Bill began,
"Alright alright" Harry interrupted looking quite annoyed at all of this.
"I'm going to get some air" he added before turning on his heel and leaving.

Everyone watched awkwardly as he slammed the door shut behind him,
"Ungrateful so and so innhe" Fred laughed,
"He just has a lot going on" Molly defended.

Elle turned back to George who was sitting up now.
"How you feeling" she muttered as she took the seat next to him,
"Alright" he shrugged "missing my ear already"
Elle smiled "can you not grow it back... with magic?"

"Dark magic knocked it off so no" George sighed "I already asked that"
"Shame" Elle frowned "you're still just as good looking"
"Everyone'll be able to tell us apart now" Fred called out "right mum, bet that's a relief"
"This is certainly not a relief" Molly yelled,
"I was joking" he rolled his eyes.

"I already could tell you apart" Elle hummed under her breath as her eyes traced his jawline.
"Yeah I know" laughed George "I always loved you for that"
"Loved?" Elle smirked as she raised her eyebrows,
"Love" he murmured before kissing her quickly before anyone noticed.


A/n - sorry this is quite short :0 I wanna have more chapters so I'm making them a bit shorter to get the number up rather than combining events!

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now