𝟏𝟎𝟖. 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲'𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐬

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Elle waved her final goodbye to the girls who all dispersed over the station to find their families.
She picked up her trunk and the top of Moons cage and began to look around the station.

Usually it would be her parents who came to pick her up however she had thought that this time it would be her uncle considering everything that'd happened.
She assumed that Mr and Mrs Weasley would be around here somewhere for Ron and Ginny, maybe she could ask them if they'd seen anyone.

It was never difficult to spot the fiery read heads of the Weasleys, they were standing centre platform welcoming Ginny and Ron over.
Elle also saw Remus standing there in a knitted jumper and some jeans rather than his usual dark robes.

Elle began to make her way over to the group when she spotted them.
Fred and George were standing there looking smart in what looked like matching dark green leather jackets which fell to their knees. She recognised the material to be dragon skin, not leather.

The brunette rushed over as fast as she could. Fred spotted her first and elbowed his brother in the side.
Before George was aware of what was happening Elle had flung her arms round his neck and was holding on to him tightly.

"I've missed you" she muttered as she breathed in the familiar scent of cinnamon that she'd missed over these past months. Elle let go and beamed at George happily. He was wearing a sheepish expression but seemed equally happy to see her.

"Ahem" Fred coughed from beside his twin and Elle laughed before turning to hug him as well,
"I missed you too Freddie" she smiled "that exit was incredible people have been talking about it for weeks, Flitwick even left a bit of the swamp roped off as a memorial".

The twins grinned proudly,
"Well we knew the students needed some excitement" Fred shrugged "what else could we do"
"You both loved every second of it, didn't you?" Elle smirked,
"Course we did" George winked.

"Elle" a wary voice came from her left and she looked around to see her Uncle looking very tired.
"Hi" she smiled sadly "I'm really sorry about Sirius"
Remus nodded as the two hugged,
"It's been hard" he admitted "have you heard about-"

"Theo?" Elle interrupted and Remus nodded "it's the imperious curse it has to be"
"Yes it is" Remus sighed "they put him under while we were fighting in the department of mysteries, he didn't do too much damage but he did put Tonks in St Mungos"
"Tonks is in St Mungos" Elle gasped "is she alright?"
"She will be"

"So where's Theo now"
"We don't know Elle and it's best that we don't go looking for him at the moment"
"Don't go looking for him" Elle raised her voice slightly,
"It could be a trap Elle and at the moment he's not himself"

"What about me?" Elle interjected and Remus frowned,
"What about you?"
"They want Theo for his ability what if he tells them about me" Remus sighed,
"Well we're hoping it won't come to that"

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now