𝟏𝟗. 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥

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The students of Hogwarts got back into the flow of school very easily and Elle almost forgot how disappointed she had been about leaving home. She was flourishing ahead in all her lessons despite being previously behind in nearly everything. Guess all those extra lessons really did pay off.

Around this time she spent a lot of her free hours in the library much to the twins dismay who now claimed they couldn't hang out with her. Fred and George had probably never entered the library in their lives however despite this they were pretty smart which overall didn't make much sense.

Elle poured over text books and made notes to relax herself over the stress she felt about end of term exams. Although the term ended in July and it was currently only the end of April, Elle still found herself stressing about what marks she would get.

It wasn't as though she was like Hermione (stressing over exams at every given opportunity) but for her she feared that if she failed this year it would mean that she was never fit to come to Hogwarts anyhow and Elle feared nothing more.

Her teachers appreciated the extra work that she was dedicating to all of her subjects, that was except Snape. Nothing would please the greasy haired potions teacher, as soon as he had heard her name he had never liked her. Not that Snape ever liked many Gryffindor's not even the famous Harry Potter who every teacher seemed to love.

Potions was definitely Elle's worst subject, she was on edge every minute of the lesson as Snape would often pick on her to answer the question. Elle's biggest fear was getting this question wrong however it hadn't happened so far. Elle was just grateful that she no longer had to take extra lessons with Professor Snape.


Although Elle was doing well in her lessons, not everyone was going perfectly for her. She was still haunted by the same recurring dreams each night. Clearer images appeared with every dream but they would always go in the same was until Harry spoke those words about it not being her future and Elle would wake up freezing.

The new thing was that Elle could almost feel the pain Harry was going through when she was there. She'd often have a splitting headache when she awoke and was reminded of the image of Harry clutching his forehead in pain.

There was nothing Elle could do except ignore these dreams since McGonagall had been absolutely no help. Going to someone else seemed stupid considering the only three people she'd told tiptoed around the subject although she was going crazy and well... maybe she was.

The only other person she'd want to tell was her uncle but considering she hadn't heard from him since before Christmas she didn't think it would be fitting for her to suddenly write to him complaining that she believed she was seeing the future. Nevertheless she hoped she would see him over summer after all if it hadn't be for him she would still be at hope having the most boring time of her life.

Elle wasn't sure what she believed about her dreams, being able to predict the future seemed absolutely crazy to her which was one of the many reasons she hated divination lessons however she didn't know why else she'd be having these recurring dreams that felt so realistic to her. Surely it must be some sort of message if nothing else.

More than anything Elle hoped it was just a dream as despite not knowing the Potter boy that well, she didn't want to see him get hurt and have to believe that she could have stopped it if she'd tried harder.


One week back into school, Elle found herself walking to charms with the friendly Hufflepuff Emilia. She didn't find herself spending that much time which the bubbly girl but when she did she always felt better because of it.

She'd sat next to her everyday of charms since her first lesson since they had met each other on the way there and since then Elle had learned a lot about the girl.
She was one of the only students Elle knew that had a pet toad rather than a cat or an owl, her toad was called bubbles which fit it perfectly for some odd reason.

Emilia was from a muggle household just like Elle which meant they got along well talking about things some other students didn't understand, she had a younger brother called James who frankly she was grateful to be apart from as sometimes he could be a pain, however she loved him nonetheless.

Turns out that Emilia's close friends were actually Dan and Kaylee (the chasers from Slytherin) Elle often forgot that she wasn't the only one with friends from other houses and despite Slytherin and Hufflepuff seeming like an odd combination, Elle thought it was great.

Emilia's best friend was Lawrence Yalden ,a very tall Hufflepuff boy who Elle had seen walking around the corridors at times, Lawrence was apparently a complete nerd but also very funny and a joy to be around. He had short brown hair and green eyes and had one of the most distinctive laughs that Elle had ever heard.

Elle wished she could spend more time with Emilia but the houses were often quite segregated especially in the great hall, in her spare time Elle often found herself hanging around with her Gryffindor friends despite already being around them all day.


It was a Thursday when something strange happened to Elle, she was in a defence against the dark arts lesson trying her best to concentrate despite having to deal with the fact she chose to sit in between the twins.
How either of them ever got any work done she did not no as whenever she was around them she found herself giving up to joke around with them about the teachers or the students or a personal favourite of theirs was to plan out new pranks they wanted to try in the future.

They weren't as bad on this particular Thursday but that didn't mean Elle was finding it easy to listen to Quirrel as he stuttered on about grindelows. At one point the brunette found herself elbowing them in the ribs just to get a moment of peace.
"Told you she was abusive" Fred muttered angrily rubbing his side.

As the lesson was approaching half way, Professor McGonagall walked importantly into the classroom. The twins immediately shut up as her stern gaze wandered over all of the students.
"Professor Quirrel, I need to borrow Miss Lupin if that is ok with you" Quirrel nodded nervously obviously also effected by the strict glare of the transfigurations teacher.

Elle went slightly cold, why would her head of house need to see her. It wasn't as though she was behind so it couldn't be that she was in need of any more extra lessons, if it was quidditch related she wouldn't be the only one dragged out as four other members of the Gryffindor team were also sitting in this room.
Elle stood up looking at the teacher in confusion, the teacher sensed this and gave her an immediate answer,
"Professor Dumbledore wants to speak with you"


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now