𝟏𝟏𝟕. 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫

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Needless to say that christmas didn't end too well after Percy's intrusion. Molly had burst into an abundance of tears and wouldn't stop until they finished desert.
The shop was more busy than ever, even after christmas was over. It had been such a success and was even marked as the most popular shop in the street.

"we've been thinking" Fred smirked as he and George sat down next to Elle at breakfast,
"well that's never good" Elle sighed as the twins both frowned at her,
"i'll pretend i didn't hear that" George clapped his hands over his ears dramatically.

"what were you thinking" Elle interrupted as she stirred her cereal blankly,
"well you know how the shop is doing so well?" Fred began,
"like really well" George added,
"mmm hmm"

"anyway" Fred continued,
"we were thinking of buying another premises" beamed George,
"really?" Elle looked up in surprise "where abouts"
"hogsmede" stated Fred
"that's a great idea" Elle laughed "we'd have all of the Hogwarts students then".

"exactly our idea"
"so where's the empty premises in hogsmede?" asked Elle,
"well we were thinking"
"we should buy Zonko's" said Fred dramatically.
"can you afford that?" Elle frowned
"this place is a goldmine Elle, even you know that much" George smiled,

"yeah but... are Zonko's even selling?"
"they're considering it" shrugged Fred "they have other shops so..."
"well i think it's a great idea" Elle smiled "just what Hogsmede needs"
"it'll earn us a fortune as well" the twins smirked,
"yes and that"

"Of course we thought it best to ask what you thought of it" Fred grinned as Elle stood up from the table to put her bowl in the sink,
"But if I had told you it was a terrible idea, you would have still gone through with it?"
"Probably" shrugged Fred, "anyway I'm going out for a bit"
"Where you going" Elle frowned "it's a Sunday"

"He's got a date" George winked before Fred hit hit scathingly in the arm,
"It's not a date" he retorted,
"What is it then?" Asked Elle,
"It's a um-" Fred began "yeah it's a date"

Elle clapped her hands together in glee,
"It's with Verity isn't it?" Elle beamed,
"How did you know?"
"It's obvious you like her Freddie" winked Elle.

"Alright alright" laughed Fred "I don't think it was that obvious",
"It was" both George and Elle spoke in unison. Fred just rolled his eyes before grabbing the jacket off his chair,
"I'll see you both later" he smirked descending down the stairs into the shop.


Elle was busy washing her cereal bowl when she felt George's arms wrap around her from behind,
"We've got the place to ourselves again" he whispered lightly in her ear,
"I can see that" Elle joked playfully, George grabbed one of Elle's arms and swung her around so she was facing him. She smiled up at him gleefully as he bent down and started to leave kisses on the side of the girls neck.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now