𝟐𝟎. 𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞

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Fear ebbed through Elle's entire body as she walked behind McGonagall, her legs felt like jelly and she clasped her hands feeling her palms laced with cold sweat.
This was it. She was being kicked out of Hogwarts, why else would the head teacher want to see her.

It wasn't often that Dumbledore himself asked students to go to his office, even the twins had never been up there despite how much trouble they'd caused. In fact Elle believed that barely any student in this school had actually seen the inside of the headmasters office she bet she would be asked a lot of questions when she returned.
Minerva and Elle approached a door with two stone gargoyle's on either side each with a disheveled stubborn look on their face.

"Sherbet Lemon" McGonagall spoke clearly and the door opened to reveal a stone spiralling staircase,
"You have to go up on your own I'm afraid, I have a lesson now" with that the stern teacher walked away and Elle only heard the click of her heels on the stone floor until that too faded into silence,
"Hurry up we're not holding this door open forever" one of the gargoyles barked causing Elle to jump in shock,
"Sorry" she mumbled before hurrying up the stairs.

When she reached the top, she was greeted by a circular room with high ceilings, the walls were lined with book cases and portraits of sleeping figures, those awake were eyeing her carefully. Their were staircases that let to a higher part of the room but as Elle looked around she saw no sign of the headmaster.

Her attention was caught by a striking bird sitting towards the left hand side of the room. It's feathers were red and orange and it sat tall and proud seeming as though it was in its youth.
"I remember you" a voice suddenly rung out, she turned expecting to see Dumbledore standing behind her however she noticed that she was still alone in the office,
"Who's there?" Elle said in a shaky voice.

"Over here" Elle turned to where the voice was coming from and to her surprise saw the sorting hat sitting on one of the book shelves, she walked over,
"I don't often make mistakes when it comes to sorting however... you are definitely one of them. Elle frowned at the prospect of being a mistake, she always thought she fit quite well in Gryffindor house.

"What do you mean?"
"I put you in Gryffindor because you couldn't stop thinking about your friends... how you wouldn't know what you would do if you weren't in Gryffindor" Elle thought back and noted how silly this was considering she was now friends with people from multiple different houses however she did enjoy being with Gryffindor.

"You are most definitely a Ravenclaw" the hat stated intelligently, Elle frowned again,
"Then why put me in Gryffindor in the first place?"
"I'm not sure... it's as though your mind was telling me to do it... very overwhelming I must say"

"Miss Lupin" Elle turned around in shock as she heard the calm collected voice of Albus Dumbledore coming from behind her,
"Sorry I was just talking to the hat" she turned back to the brown hat which had now seen to transform back into an ordinary clothing item making no attempts to talk.

"I would ignore that old thing, he gets rather cranky up here all year" Dumbledore sighed as he walked behind his desk and sat down,
"Now if you will take a seat Elle I wish to speak with you" the brunette sat down on the other side of the desk and looked down at her hands nervously,
"You have no reason to be scared, you're not in any trouble"
"I'm not?"
"No of course not... why, should you be?"
"Um no ... I just didn't know why else I would be here that's all".

Dumbledore sighed loudly as though trying to think of the right words to say,
"Professor McGonagall came to me a while back about a concern you'd had... about your dreams"
"Oh... she told you about that... I'm sure it's nothing really"
"On the contrary I think this is of great importance"
"Yes but ... at first I did not want to inform you of this as it is a dangerous gift to have... foresight".

"Professor Trelawney told me I didn't have the gift" Elle muttered causing Albus to laugh quietly,
"Yes well the gift of divination and foresight can occasionally be quite different especially in your case"
"So you're saying that what's been happening in my dreams will actually come true"
"Yes and we will get to that in just a moment"

"So can a lot of people predict the future in their dreams?" Elle continued to enquire, Dumbledore looked at her strangely for a moment,
"In my time I've only known one who could do such a thing... he was a student here... Theodore Sanders"
"Is he still at the school?"

"No... he left two years ago and since then unfortunately he's... well he's landed himself in Askaban" Elle had heard talk of the wizarding prison that undoubtedly struck fear in many from this world,
"Why's he in Askaban"
"Let's just say he joined the wrong crowd"
"Was he a Slytherin?" Dumbledore nodded,
"Why do you ask that?"
"It's just my friend told me once that although not all Slytherins are bad, most bad wizards come from Slytherin"

"Yes well that is indeed accurate... Theo was a good student and... to be in Askaban at nineteen years old well that is truly unfortunate he could have gone on to greatness but I believe he was pressured to take the path he chose... he was an orphan you see"
"Oh... my friends an orphan"
"Yes well unlike your friend... Theo's parents gave him up, they didn't want him and that's hard on any child"

"Anyway enough of this talk of Theodore Sanders, although he had the same gift as you, you are not the same and I have more faith you will use this wisely and I need to see what you saw"
"Yes well I already gave all of the details to McGonagall but... I could describe the dream again,
"Oh I don't need you to describe the dream to me... I want to see it, have you ever heard of a pensive Elle?"

The brunette shook her head in confusion, Dumbledore walked over to a large cabinet and lifted out a large silver bowl filled with water which seemed to have white auras swimming around inside it,
"This is a pensive, I use it to dispose of certain memories... the brain can get quite full you know" Elle smiled,
"I need you to take out the memory of the dream and place it within the pensive, that way I can see exactly what you saw"
"But if the dream wasn't a real memory... will it still work?"
"The gift of Precognition is a very interesting one, the dreams that you have are considered memories by your brain as they feel so real to you... therefore it will work just the same"
"Ok so how do I do it?"


Dumbledore explained exactly how to place the memory into the pensive and after she few tries she actually got it tight. She stared in awe as a white dancing mist sat happily on the end of her wind like a shining cloud. She dropped it into the water and watched as it danced and mingled along with the other,
Suddenly the images of her dreams began less vivid to her and she felt her shoulders relax because of it, grateful to be relived of the stress.

"Now I doubt you want to see your nightmare again so you can take a seat while I witness it for myself" Elle sat back down at the desk and sat watching the headmaster intrigued by how this all worked. He placed his head lightly into the water and Elle frowned in confusion. It seemed only seconds later when he re-emerged completely dry and with a look of slight concern on his face,
"Did you see it all... you were only in there for two seconds"
"Yes we'll more time passes in the pensive... it works differently" he explained "that dream has definitely opened a lot of questions"

"What are you going to do about it"
"Nothing" Elle looked taken aback shocked by his statement,
"Elle it is not wise to meddle with fate but to understand what is to come is a great help, trust me no great harm will come because of what you saw, whatever happens well... it has to happen".


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now