𝟐𝟕. 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲

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The train jerked to a halt which woke Elle up like an alarm. The compartment was still empty and Moon sat hooting at her staring through her large blue orbs. She grabbed the cage and walked out of the compartment. The bustle around her seemed to be made up of first years and some older Slytherins who she didn't recognise.

The brunette walked slowly hoping that she'd be able to go unnoticed and slip off the train last. She knew she couldn't keep up this hiding much longer, as soon as she entered the great hall there would be no escape from her friends. It's not as though she could sit at another houses table and hope they don't notice.

She opened up Moons cage as soon as she left the train and watched as the impressive white owl soared into the sky and up past the trees. The carriages were full and Elle gulped as she knew she'd have to share with other students. She climbed in one where some second years were chatting excitedly.


They were Hufflepuff's who she didn't know by name but recognised. They paid her no attention which she was grateful for as the carriages started moving towards the castle on their own... or as it seemed.

The brightly lit castle brought no joy to Elle as it usually had, the golden lights flickered happily in the stone windows, contrasting the dark velvet sky. The Hufflepuff's and Elle hopped out of the carriage and walked towards the school. Elle dragged her feet making sure she wasn't seen by anyone as her dark robes blended into the sky.

She heard the commotion of the hall and stopped still feeling tears prick in her eyes. She couldn't do this. She was right at the back of the crowds talking loudly. Taking this opportunity she walked left and ran up a staircase as fast as she could ignoring the paintings who were calling out to her.

She didn't stop running until she noticed she was in the corridor where the Gryffindor common room was located. The fat lady's portrait was sat proudly on the wall. She walked towards it knowing that she had no clue what the password was.

"Shouldn't you be at the feast" the pompous lady's voice rang out. Elle walked timidly forward,
"Yes I am but ... I'm not going"
"Why ever not"
"It's a long story" she smiled,
"Well I have all the time in the world"

Elle frowned at the portrait but thought that maybe if she confided the story the lady would be more likely to let her into the common room.
So she did. She explained how her parents had a tendency of lying and how she ended up coming to the school late. She confided how happy she'd been last year and also admitted her ability of predicting dreams. Then it came to the part of her brother who was the death eater Theodore Sanders.

When she finished the fat lady just stared at her in awe,
"It's a wonder how you manage to keep all that to yourself but I wouldn't worry about your friends, it seems to me you haven't done anything wrong... I don't usually let students in without the password but there's a time for everything" she smiled warmly which Elle had never seen her do before.
"Thank you so much" Elle beamed as she walked quickly into the familiar room.


She knew exactly where she had to go, taking a carefully placed brick out of the fireplace, she watched as a portion of the floor opened up revealing the secret room Fred and George had kindly shown her.
As she stepped down into it, the floor closed above her but she knew how easy it was to get out. Elle gazed over the room before collapsing into a chair reminiscing back to the time where her biggest worry was a troll running loose in the castle.

She was so tired despite sleeping on the train as before that she'd barely been getting an ounce of sleep due to her over thinking keeping her awake. She rested her head back on the chair and felt herself drift off into a deep sleep. For a moment it was peaceful, then it started again.

The same dream she'd been having constantly over the summer. The man with the dark curls and dead eyes sitting in the corner of a dark cell muttering about how he didn't deserve to be there.
He looked directly at Elle but she knew it wasn't her, the reality of the dream could of fooled her as everything felt so real from the noises around her to the cool air moving her hair.

"You don't understand" the man grunted,
"On the contrary I understand more than you could know" the man she knew was Sirius Black spoke and his voice echoed in her brain as though she and him shared a voice.
"How could you"
"I'm not the man you think I am" her brother looked up but shook his head.

"You've been here for a decade Black, don't try and sing innocence now" he spat, Sirius went quiet for a moment,
"You're one of them too aren't you?" he spoke low,
"I don't know what you're talking about"
"Course you don't" he barked.

"You're a liar Sirius black" Theo moaned as he lay his head on the hard stone walls,
"And you're an animagus" Sirius smirked confidently, Theodore whipped his head to face the criminal but didn't say a word at least not for a moment,
"Why would it matter" He hissed,
"Because I have an idea"


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now