𝟏𝟎𝟒. 𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐭

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Easter was soon over and unfortunately (after the whole firework fiasco) Umbridge had become a tyrant over the school. The only times students could really speak freely was in their common rooms and even then there was an edge of sadness about the lack lustre feeling that Hogwarts emitted.

For Elle this also meant she hardly saw any of her friends from other houses. Of course she had lessons with a few of them however since Newt exams were coming up so quickly, there wasn't a lot of time for talking.

The DA lessons were finished now which had given Angelina the opportunity to double the amount of training the quidditch team were getting. They only had one more match (against Ravenclaw) before the cup would be awarded and it seemed Angelina was the only one who believed they had a chance of winning.

Elle could tell that the twins were counting their days now. They'd laid off the pranking and chaos for a couple of weeks stating that they didn't want to interrupt people studying. However when Easter finished Elle could see the mischievous glint returning to their eyes signalling something would be happening soon.

Charms was currently the only lesson that Elle felt she had under control. She was one of the brightest in her year group and had always been praised by her teachers up to now. Whether it was the stress of the exams or the amount of content that was letting her down she did not no.

Motivation was hard to come by in the passing days. Elle still hung onto the idea of working in a joke shop with the twins and her mind would whisper 'you don't need exams for that'. Every time she broke out of it and realised she could achieve more than a job in a shop her mind would wander yet again.

What seemed like years later, the detentions with Umbridge were finished. Elle's hand was not only red and scared but also slightly bruised. She kept it bandaged as seeing the wound made it hurt more. She badly wanted to write to her uncle or brother to complain but she knew that mail was being checked more than ever and she didn't want Moon getting injured or searched.


Elle had been sitting in the common room when she heard the commotion coming from outside. She was alone seeing most of her friends had potions. She hadn't questioned where the twins had got to considering they were usually off selling something or other. They didn't see the point of studying when they were sure they would be leaving before exams.

With only one month until exams began, Elle was convinced that the day they left wasn't far away. Of course she'd been pushing this thought to the back of her mind because she didn't want them to leave. Despite Hogwarts being worse this year than it ever had been, the twins definitely brightened up the little happiness left.

Elle begrudgingly closed her transfigurations book and headed out of the common room behind a collection of fourth years who were eager to see what was going on.
She was sure that she could hear Umbridge screaming at something and began to quicken her pace following the students who seemed to have some idea where they were going.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now