𝟏𝟔. 𝐡𝐨𝐠𝐬𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞

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"I just think that this holiday would be a lot better if you stayed here" Alicia protested as they discussed the April holidays which were now only two weeks away.
This term had flown by just like the last which disappointed Elle a lot as she beloved her Hogwarts journey would be over just as fast as it had begun.

"I've already told you Ally, I'm sorry but I promised my parents I'd go home" Alicia's smile dropped as she thought about being alone at Hogwarts again.
"Come on we're going to be late to Hogsmede if you keep this up" Elle smiled as she pulled Alicia off the bed watching her ringlets bounce around happily.

"Hey I have an idea" Elle muttered as the two linked arms and began walking out of the common room together "why don't I ask my parents if you could come back with me... it would save a lot of boredom plus you wouldn't have to be alone"
"I really would love that Elle but I don't want to put pressure on your parents to let me stay"
"I'm sure they'd love to meet you, they were eager to meet all my friends when they brought me back, unfortunately you weren't there at the time"

The two discussed their plans for the holiday excitedly while walking out of the castle to meet up with the other girls.
Lauren and Katie were already talking about how they were planning on going to Spain for two weeks,
"You two are lucky that's all I'm saying" Angelina shrugged
"We've already said you could come Ang" Lauren grinned at her friend but the dark haired girl shook her head,
"I have way too much homework and my parents are way too strict".

"Hey guys" Alicia beamed as they approached the group,
"There you are we've been waiting for ages" Lauren smiled,
"All her fault" Elle smirked at Alicia who mocked hurt as they walked,
"Anyway are we actually going to make it though a whole butter beer before the twins come and steal you away" Lauren nudged Elle playfully.

"Yeah what is it with you and them" Katie looked over her shoulder at Elle,
"Nothing they're just my friends that's all" Elle shrugged as the group neared the Hogsmede entrance,
"You hang out an awful lot to just be friends" Lauren interjected,
"I hang out with you guys a lot too, doesn't mean anything"
"Yeah but we're not BOYS" Lauren drawled giggling at the end of her sentence.

"Girls and boys can just be friends too" Alicia defended,
"I know I know, I wasn't implying anything just wondering" Elle blushed awkwardly feeling embarrassed by the whole conversation, they were just thirteen after all, well except for Lauren who had turned fourteen in October.

"What about you and Chase" Angelina cooed at Lauren who sighed dramatically,
"Well it's going great" she squealed,
"Yeah we all know what happened on Valentine's Day" Katie laughed,
"Geez guys we just kissed" Lauren laughed,
Elle turned to Alicia and rolled her eyes, sometimes these girls were more exhausting than the twins.


The group sat down at a table in the three broomsticks, as they sat down Elle noticed that there were two people she recognised sitting in a table in the corner.
Lee and Anna were sitting closely and laughing while drinking the famous frothy beer.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now