𝟏𝟐𝟕. 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐚

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The flowers hung like drapes silhouetted by a large window in which shone the beginning lights of the early morning sun. It was the day of Remus and Athenas wedding.
It would take place in a small church towards lower north of England. Situated in a small town, the waves could be heard calmly crashing over one another as the sea breeze whistled past the old buildings.

To them it was perfect.
The small church had been decorated casually with a range of white flowers from hydrangeas to snowdrops. It looked ethereal in the glowing orange light through the window panes.
Only a few guests had been invited, mainly for Athena. Remus didn't have many people to invite. His parents had unfortunately both passed along with his two best friends.

Remus didn't have a best man either. He didn't know how he could. His best man was always Sirius, it always would be Sirius. Giving the spot to anyone else didn't seem right in a way.
Athena only had two bridesmaids for the occasion (Elle and her cousin Sapphire) her sister would be her maid of honour which was perfect for her.

The morning was spent getting ready, Remus was full of nerves as he thought of the prospect of marrying the woman he loved. They'd known each other for years yet it seemed as though he'd believed he'd never be lucky enough to see the day finally come.
The wedding was due to start at eleven which left everyone a few hours of preparations.

They'd skipped the whole idea of stag dues and hen parties as it wasn't their style. Remus and Athena just wanted a simple wedding which was why they were inviting so few people.
Elle and the twins were both obviously invited. The twins spent the morning with Remus while Elle helped Athena get ready.

It felt weird talking normally to Aurora Sinistra considering she had been Elle's astrology teacher for quite a while. She was more relaxed than Elle would have thought and looked a lot prettier when her hair was down.
Athena's parents came in at some point to see their daughters. Elle kindly introduced herself as they sat around drinking champagne and laughing away yesterday's troubles.

The bridesmaid dresses were a soft sage green and fitted perfectly. Elle tied her hair back away from her face leaving only a few strands as they sat getting ready.
Late morning was nearly upon them and Elle could see the excitement radiating off Athena as she finished preparing her halo of curls around her head.

If she had looked ethereal before she looked even more so now. Her plain simple white dress clung to her perfectly as he held a bouquet of spilling white flowers.
Her hair waved behind her like a cloud as her smile beamed like the sun itself. If the sun was a person, Elle was sure they would look like Athena.

"Are you ready?" Aurora smiled as she tucked the last bit of hair behind her ears,
Athena nodded enthusiastically her small pearl earrings swaying as she did so.
"I think it's time" Sapphire smiled eagerly as she observed her cousin looking stunning in white.

"Come on then" Athena's father smiled as he linked his daughters arm with his own and walked out followed by the three girls in green.
The bridesmaids were supposed to go first. Aurora led the way as they walked down the aisle. The sound of music swelled in the room as the flowers above them swirled merrily.

Elle saw to her surprise that the twins were standing next to Remus at the top of the church. George winked at her as she gazed at him happy that her uncle had decided not to stand up there alone.
Remus' eyes were transfixed on his fiancé as she gilded into the room smiling as bright as ever.

They all took their places at the head of the church as Athenas father allowed Remus to take her hand. The couple gazed at each other with eyes full of love as the ceremony began.


After the two were married, the group headed down through the small seaside town to a small hall to have the rest of the celebration.
Elle quickly found the twins who were both looking very smart in matching suits. Fred walked ahead as Elle kissed George happily.
"You look beautiful" he murmured,
"So do you" she winked back playfully as they intertwined hands and walked cheerfully behind the group.

The hall was warm and decorated similar to the church with an abundance of white flowers.
Food was laid on a long table towards the left and Elle saw Fred dart over there immediately.
The group sat around a large circular eating and laughing as they talked through old memories of the couple before Elle had known either of them.

She smiled at the look of pure happiness on her uncles face. Athena made him happy and that's all she wanted for him. He'd been through so much in the past, not only with being a werewolf but also through the loss of his friends. Elle couldn't comprehend how hard life must be for him. However it was better now ,slowly but surely, as bright beginnings over shone the murky past. How long this would last no one knew.

An hour later the music swelled again and people were led to the dance floor with smiles on their faces. They all watched as Remus and Athena took the first dance forgetting that they were being watched as they got lost in each others eyes.
Soon the floor was full (or as full as it could be with the short amount of guests)

Elle danced slowly with George, her head on his chest as his arms wrapped around her. They swayed contently together wishing that they could live in this moment forever.
Without knowing what came next, the group were enjoying themselves. They didn't know how many more opportunities they would have in the near future to do so. After all the world was so uncertain.

The celebrations lasted way into the evening until the setting sun could be seen over the horizon. It shed it's rays of light over the ocean making it shine orange for a brief few moments.
"When we get married" George muttered "we should do it on the beach"
Elle looked up in surprise, they'd never talked about marriage before. She hadn't thought about it herself. When she did she imagined herself with George for the rest of her life, but they'd never said it.

"What?" George laughed at the expression on Elle's face,
"Nothing" she smiled immediately "beach wedding sounds good"
George beamed as he took her hand in his again and looked down at her wondering how he got this lucky. Elle was wondering the same thing.

"We're going to be sick of weddings by the end of the summer" sighed Fred as he walked over to the two,
"Who else is getting married?" Elle frowned,
"Bill and Layla" George muttered "Don't forget, Mum is already extremely stressed about it"
The group turned to the Weasley parents who were currently calmly dancing together, they didn't look stressed but Elle knew that Molly would be panicking over the idea of her eldest son getting married.

"We have good things coming" Fred smiled happily as he watched his parents dance,
"Yeah after we get Harry from his aunt and uncles, we can finally relax"
"When are we doing that again?" Elle sighed almost completely forgetting,
"Two days" replied George "Mums getting really stressed about it but we're just flying I mean.... what could go wrong?"


Just a short happy chapter to fill in some gaps.
I'm planning on writing a book about Remus and Athena after this one (marauders era) however I might do a Sirius one before that idk yet :/
Also thank u to everyone who's reading and voting on this.
I love reading comments too aha so thanks to people who comment on them too :)

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now