You are my favorite Holiday

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I stiffened when I felt someone hugs me from behind but relaxes once I smell a familiar scent.

"What are you doing here, Nini?" I asked as I caress her arms that still hugging my waist.

"You really thought I will allow you to celebrate alone?" She asked with disappointed tone.

I removed her hands on my waist and face her.

She's pouting.

I cupped her face.

"Baby, we talked about this already. What will the people think if they found out that we celebrated Christmas together?" I asked looking at her intently.

"They will think that Jenlisa is real, which is really true by the way." She casually stated.

I chuckled. Jennie is really unpredictable. She is the one who said that we should keep it lowkey but everytime we're in front of the camera she is the first one to cling to me.

"What's funny, Manoban?" She asked raising her brow, I can't help but to squished her cheeks like what I always do.

"Yah!" She whined.

I kissed her cheeks afterwards and when I pulled away she's blushing.

I pecked her lips too. What? I can do that.

We fell silent and just looking at each other's eyes intently.

"I love you, Jennie Kim."

She gave me a loving smile.

"You know, I feel the same way Lalisa Manoban. I love you too so much." She responded.

I nodded, kissed her forehead then pulled her for a tight hug.

We sighed in content.

I creased my brows when Jennie pulled away then grab my hand.

"Let's go." She invited.

"Huh? Where?"

She leaned and I closed my eyes assuming she'll kiss me but after seconds of waiting and nothing is happening, I decided to open my eyes only to see a smirking Jennie.

She poked the tip of my nose.

"Gotcha!" She teased. I pouted.

My eyes widen when after doing that she pecked my lips.

"Come on, we don't have much time."

She said not waiting for my response and dragged me to where her car is but before that she made sure that we are wearing hoodie and mask.

We're now inside her car.

I turn to look at her.

"Did I already tell you how hot driver you are?" I asked as I admire the view.

She chuckled, shaking her head.

"Everytime Lisa." She responded after her laugh subsided.

"Oh!" I pretended to be shocked.

"You're silly..."

"...but yeah, cute" She answered.

I smiled.

"Plus you love me." I cockily stated.

"Yup, including that." She agreed smiling too. "You're distracting me Lili, don't stare." She command.

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