Ready For Love

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I stopped from my track the moment I heard an angelic voice. I'm not a nosy kind of person but hearing someone's voice as good as this made me hypnotize. It's deep, soothing and seductive in a good way.

"Am I that good?"

I froze on my position and was brought back to reality when I heard that. God, she caught me.

"Er...ahm, I'll just get my friend's guitar." I answered stuttering. "I'm sorry I interrupt you." I even added. Gladly, this time I said that smoothly.

"Oh? And here I am thinking that you're stalking me, huh?" She teased.

"What? No!" I even raised and wave both my hands to emphasize my point. "I'm not! I swear! I'm not a creep!" I added thinking that, that statement will even help.

Clearly not when the most gorgeous girl I encountered chuckled. Did I made her laugh? Nope, not a chance. Maybe she's messing with me. That's one of the hobbies of those popular kids. They're making fun of us "average" and "nerdy" like kids for their entertainment.

"You're unreasonably cute..." She stated when her chuckles subsided then look at me intently. "...and for what?" She questioned. "I mean...if you're not going to ask for my name, right?" Her answered to her questioned and this time I swear I'm already lost with what she's talking about.

Is she hitting on me? I mean me? I asked myself.

I just stared at her, not knowing what to respond.

I was brought back to reality when she snapped in front on my face.

"Hi?" She greeted with a tease. " this is the part when you'll extend your hand and say your name." She continued with teasing smile.

I know it made me more plastered than I'm already are.

"Err, Lisa." Again I stuttered. "My name is Lisa Manoban." I repeat now with my extended hand waiting for a hand shake.

"Jennie." She reached for my hand this time with a genuine smile on her face.

"I know." I just thought of that, cause of course she's in a popular circle, everyone knows her, including an average kid like me.

"Jennie Manoban." She added afterwards that made my brows creased. Do we have same surname? I know hers is Kim? How come I'm not aware of that? I'm about to ask her when she wiggle her brows cutely.

"Soon. I'll be a Manoban soon." She clarified grinning. "...and yup, I am hitting on you Ms. stalker." She continued.

Did I said that out loud?

"Well yeah? Just like the way you asked that out loud too." She answered chuckling.

I'm about to defend myself but we're interrupted with my phone's notification. When I checked it, of course its Rosé, I'm supposed to be quick but yeah, I was struck by the presence of this gorgeous human being.

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