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TW: Drugs / Abuse

Lisa's POV

I  creased by brows hearing a familiar giggle. I roamed my eyes to confirm my guess...and there I see Jennie laughing to something the guy said to her.

and there I see Jennie laughing to something the guy said to her

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I gritted my teeth when the said guy touch her waist.

She seems drunk.

I thought she'll go out for a date but not this kind of date. My thoughts are interrupted when I heard Seulgi speak.

"Is that Jennie?"

I hummed as an acknowledgement.

"Who's that guy? He's too..."

I didn't wait for her to finish her sentence, I walked to where they are.

Jennie immediately spotted me,I even see that she gasped. Adorable, but it will not spare her from my possible scolding. She did not mentioned that she'll go to a bar instead of a restaurant or something more decent to this place. Don't get me wrong, maybe you'll questioned if this place is not decent why am I here? Well, there's nothing wrong going here, its just that for someone who told you they'll bring you to a date then will end up here. What do you think might be the purpose of that, right?

"Lili!" She even squealed then hug me tight. Yup, indeed drunk.

"Hey." I responded while hugging her back.

She pulled back with a pout, her hands still resting on both of my shoulders.

"You're mad." She stated.

"Why are you here? I thought you'll be out for a date?" I asked ignoring her question.

Jennie's about to answer but the guy butted in.


"Oh! Oh! Lili speaking of date, please meet Mino, and Mino meet my Lili. The one I'm talking about." Jennie introduced us to each other. The guy extended his hand so I don't have a choice but to accept it.

"Lisa." I said blankly.

"Yeah, right, she's my Lili. You call her, Lisa." Jennie stated. She's now side hugging me, her head leaning on my shoulder.

"Nice to meet you." Mino guy responded and I just nod as acknowledgement.

What? I'm not pleased to meet him, so why lie.

"You smell so good, Lili." Jennie husked. It made me gulp. It's not unusual to see Jennie this clingy to me, but this kind? A hot kind? It's way different.

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