Media Play - Part 2

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Lisa's POV

I kept checking my phone expecting a reply from Jennie. I texted her the very moment she run away from me. What did just happened?

I sighed exasperatedly and put back my phone inside my pocket.

I should go listen and focus to class discussion and I'll just ask her later.


"Hey Lisa!"

"Opps sorry!" I apologized to the person I almost bump because of me being in a hurry. "Jisoo Unnie, hi!"

"What's with the rush?" She curiously inquired.

I scratched the back of my neck anxiously.

"I'm looking for Jennie. I went to her last class but someone told me that it got dismissed early. I'm just wondering why she have'nt replying to any of my messages, I also tried calling her but it always directed to her voicemails." I explained.

Jisoo Unnie raised her brow.

"Did you tried looking at her office?" She suggested. "You know that gal when she's busy, SHE IS BUSY." Unnie emphasized and that made me smile.

Yeah, Jennie tend to detached herself in a real world once she's busy with something and right now a lot of things is happening in university that needs her attention as student council president.

Why I haven't think of that.

I shook my head.

Unnie is right.

"You're absolutely right, Unnie." I commended her.

She gave me her signature smug face.

"That I always am." She cockily answered that cause us both to chuckle.

"Want me to accompany you?" She asked afterwards. "I'll also give her these files she's asking." She continued showing me file of papers I assumed ad "files".

I nooded happily.

"What's that for though?" This time I'm the one who inquired.

We now walking to her office.

"Just papers for comparison fot this year's budget. You know lots of clubs asking for funds and we needed these to check if it's somewhat the same for these years proposal or something like that." She patiently explained.

I hummed as understanding as we approached the student council's office.

I'm about to knock when we heard a weird sound.

I creased my brows.

"Is that a moan?" Unnie vocally questioned what I'm thinking.

I whispered.

"It sounds like it." I agreed.

"The hell?!" Unnie exclaimed. "They are no shame, what will Jennie think if she finds out about this." She continued and about to knock harshly to interrupt whoever inside when...

"Not here, V." An out of breath sounded Jennie said.

I froze to my position.

Is that really Jennie? Or my ears just tricking me?

I look at Jisoo Unnie and based on her reaction I heard it right.

"Why not? Is it you and your throphy girl's new place to play around?" Said the man I recognized as V.

"You know its just a one time thing and nothing happened. We just kissed." Jennie answered with annoyance in her voice.

My heart broke hearing it.

I don't know what to react. Is it really happening?

I didn't notice I already crying until I felt Jisoo Unnie's thumb on my cheek.

"Let's go Lisa." She whispered and about to guide me until the front door open revealing the non other that my girlfriend and the guy I just met this morning.

She's still touching her lips as if reapplying her lipstick.

I scoffed.

So this is the real reason why she had her spare lipstick in her office.

"L..Lisa." She whispered shockingly.

I can't face her so I ran away from that place. I heard her called me, I even heard Jisoo Unnie's call but I can't face them specially now that I don't really know what is happening.

I'm panting hard the moment I arrived to my car.

I look at my face in my rear view mirror only to see that I'm a mess. I'm just glad that almost all classes already done for the day so no one noticed me.

I was startled when I heard my phone's ringing tone.

I checked and of course its Jennie.

"Now you're calling." I mumbled in disbelief.

I further checked my phone and Jisoo Unnie also called and texted me. I sent her a quick text message saying not to worry and I'm okay.

Trying to be okay. I turned off my phone when I realized Jennie won't stop calling me.

I don't want to go home yet so I just drive without a specific location in mind.



I'm so exhausted. I don't know how long I drive and how far but I'm glad I'm able to go home.

I lazily opened my front door.


"Sh*t!" I exclaimed.

"Oh my God! I'm sorry I startled you."

I gritted my teeth.

I forgot that Jennie knows my condo's passcode.

I ignored her and about to walk to my room but she hold my arm to stop me.

I heard her sighed nervously.

"Lisa let's talk, please?" She softly said. "Did you eat? Where did you go?" She questioned.

I can't look at her. I'm sure it will break me more if I look at her. All this time I thought I got lucky to have her only to found out that I'm just a front to whatever she's been doing behind the back.

I gulped the lump in my throat.

"What do you really want, Jennie?" I coldly questioned. "I got it, okay? I mean nothing to you." I added.

She gasped.

"W..What? No.." she stuttered.

I scoffed. This time I had the courage to look at her.

I can almost believe her by looking at her watery eyes but no I should know better now.

"I'm just your front. I'm good with your reputation as student council president since you can't be with your fellow officer, right?" I said. I realized that after racking my brain thinking what really been the reason of all of this. "I'll talk to my Dad. I'll make sure that this kind of bullshit rule will be change to avoid the kind of pain I'm feeling right now." This time I can no longer hide my emotions, my voice cracked. "I..I just hope you talk to me instead of use me." I smiled bitterly.

"I'm really in love with you, you know." I tried to lighten the mood as I shutdown my room's door.

"Lisa," She mumbled.


Happy New Year, guys! 🎉🤍

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