Be Alright - Final

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"Someone like me."

I think I didn't heard that right.

"What?" I confirmed.

"Nothing." She said dismissively and about to leave the room but I gently grabbed her arm to stop her.

If Jennie really think I'll let this slide, I will not.

"Jen, I heard you the first time, I just want to hear it again." I seriously said.

She groaned and faced me.

"Like me, okay?" She said, her face turns red I don't if it's because she's annoyed or because she's embarrassed.

I chuckled.

"Well, you're taken, plus it's quite hard to find someone as cute as you." I pinched her adorable cheeks.

"Yah! Stop that." She pouted as she tries to remove my hands off of her face.

"I appreciate the concern, Nini." I am now cupping her face and she's looking up at me intently. "...but I got this, trust me." I continued.

"If you say so, Manobangs." She stated and return on what her previously doing fixing her things.

I decided to lay on her bed as I watch her do her thing.


"Are we good?" I confirmed.

"What do you mean?" She asked confusedly.

"Well, most of the straight girls feel awkward once they discovered their friend is a gay or something." I cleared. "I mean if you want to, I can still go home and act as if we didn't met." I added.

That made her stop.

"You're kidding, right? Why would I want that?"

She's still annoyed, great.

"I'm just saying..."

"Stop saying it then." She interrupted.

"Are you mad?"

"I'm not."

"You're definitely mad." I insisted.

"I said I'm not." She countered.

"Then why you talked that way? Why your brows are creased? Why you gritting your teeth?" I asked non stopped. "You see, if you don't want my company anymore, just say it okay? I'll gladly do whatever you want." I continued.

"Kiss me, then." She just mumbled that.

"K-Kiss you, what?"

"Kiss me, Lalisa. You heard it, right?" She now looking at me as if challenging me.

"Oh? Okay." I moved and reached for her face and kissed her cheek. I pulled away a little. "We good?" I asked. Our faces still inches away from each other.

"Not that kind of kiss." She said and I'm confused but got the answer immediately when she pulled me again attaching our lips.

My eyes widen. She's kissing me! Well, our lips literally just touching but still its a fucking kiss. A real one.

She pulled away.

"That kind." She said in hoarse voice. Her hands still on my neck.

I cursed internally before grabbing the back of her neck and kiss her again, this time not just a peck.

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