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Inspired by: Jealous by Nick Jonas @lolbp4 here you go. 🥺

Lisa's POV

"Hey baby?"

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"Hey baby?"



It's the only time I look at my girl that is now in front of me. She's raising her left brow.

"Yeah?" I asked in a "not" so good tone. I know I'm kinda digging my own grave by doing that but I can't help it.

"Why are you creasing your brows?" She inquired unamused. "...and why you're ignoring me?" She continued.

I know I'm being inconsiderate by acting this way.

I heaved a sigh then shook my head.

"Nothing." Looking away but I can still see in my peripheral view that she's pouting.

She cups my face making me look at her again.

"You're cute." She teased and I scoffed. I know she knows what's going on but act clueless.

"What?" She questioned again but she's already grinning and it made me more annoyed.

I shook my head once again and removed her hands that cupping my face.

I started to walk away from her but she jogged and immediately reach me then cling her arms to my right arm, she even put her chin to my shoulder making me stop walking.

"Did I mentioned already how hot you are when you're jealous?" She asked in all seriousness but I know deep down she's just messing with me.

"Stop it, Jen." I answered. "I'm not in the mood." I continued.

"You're mean." She complained.

"I'm not mean." I answered.

"Yes, you are mean. Lalisa Mean-oban." She countered detaching herself to me so she can put her hands to her waist. One of her ways to intimidate me and "warn" me that she's now indeed serious, though I always find it adorable and not intimidating.

I tightly closed my eyes. She's really adorable. She's being adorable and I should've not fall for that.

"I'm sorry." She said afterwards.

I heaved a sigh once again.

"For what?" I asked in a more calm tone.

"For making you mad." She answered sadly and that made me guilty.

"I'm not mad, baby." I reasoned.

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