Good For You - Part 3

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"Good Morning, Princess!" Lisa perked up. Showing in front of me all of a sudden.

"Yah! You startled me, Lisa." I exclaimed as I hold my chest.

"Aww I'm sorry." She genuinely apologizes as she rubs my back to calm me.

When my breathing became even I turn to face her.

"What are you doing here, though?"

"Well...I initially intend to "fetch" my girlfriend but I saw her already droving off so I follow her only to see that she needs to stop by to this convenience store." Lisa long explained eyeing what I'm holding that I immediately hid to my back.

She pouted.

"...but Princess! I told you to give up with that kind of ways. I'm here now and it's working." She whine like a kid and I can't help but chuckle.

"You're annoying." I stated still chuckling.

"Oh...I thought it looks cute." She countered.

"It's not so stop doing that." I shook my head now just smiling and continue my way to the counter but not able to peacefully do that when Lisa pulled me causing my body to bump on her chest.

She's strong. I look up to her so I can yell on her face but I stop seeing the way she's looking at me.

"I'm being serious Jennie. We talked about this." She said almost pleading.

I tap her right cheek as if assuring her.

"We never had that talk Lisa. You decide..." She interrupted me.


"Hep. I'm not yet done talking. Am I?" I asked and she gestured me to continue. These? As I showed her the baking soda, some eggs, super glue, etc in my grocery basket are needed for my science experiment, okay? It's not for what you think these are for." I explained.

She sighed in relief.

"Really?" She even confirmed.

I nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me right away? God! I look like an idiot." She dramatically stated as she gets the basket from my hand and to pay it herself.

"Lisa, you know I can pay for that, right?" I asked the obvious and she snort.

"I know, Princess but I won't let you." She cockily answered. No way I can win an argument so much better if we'll just settle and compromise.

"I'll pay for our lunch then." I informed and she looks at me as if I said something illegal.

I creased my brows.


"You're asking me for a date." Again, I can't with her antics.

I shook my head.

"We're basically "girlfriends". What will you expect girlfriends do?" I asked and it's too late to realize what I've just said and take it back.

She smirked. A playful one.

"Well...aside from eating together...they also eat each..."

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