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Lisa's POV

Unnie asked if she can fetch Jennie tomorrow or more of later instead, since it's already dawn. I'm not that evil so I agreed, hoping that she'll be at my place first thing later.

Though Unnie's last words before we parted ways keep bugging me..."Jennie did what she think is better for the both of you". What did she mean by that? Argh! My head is aching because of too much thinking.

I dropped by at the nearest convenience store before going home, I have no stocks to offer in case she's hungry or whatnot. When Jennie left me, I rarely do grocery chore cause 1st, I don't know how to cook and 2nd I'm all alone so I can settle in anything even in just a cup of noodles and lastly, I avoid doing things that reminds me of her.

I stiffened the moment I stepped inside my condo when I heard groans...I know it's from Jennie. I put down all the things I'm carrying and rushed to my room, rushed to where she is.

She's sweating hard.

"Li-Lili? Baby? Do-Don't leave me...I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Love..."

She mumbled in her sleep. She's having a nightmare.

"Hey..." I decided to wake her up only to find out that she's having a fever. I panicked.

"Hey? Hey? Wake up! Jen?" I said while softly tapping her cheeks. My AC is in full blast but it didn't stopped her from sweating hard.

"Jen...wake up, please." I called her again but she's still asleep mumbling incoherent words so I had no choice but to do what I usually do before everytime she encountered a nightmare. I give her cheeks nonstop kisses.

"Nini?" I called her again, but this time using the nickname I gave to her when we're still in a relationship.

I should've not letting myself to fall for this, but I can't...

You're just helping her Lisa. I convinced myself.

Gladly, this time she's slowly stirring up from her sleep.

"Lili?" She confirmed the moment her eyes met mine.

I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm here." I softly stated, removing the strands of hair that covering her face.

"Lili..." She called again. Our faces literally inch closer to each other. I pulled away and decided to lean on the headboard as she hug me by my waist, her head resting on my chest as I encircled my arms around her body.

I look down to see her face, her eyes closed.

"Do you want me to get you a glass of water or you want a glass of milk?" I offered. Thankfully I also bought milk.

She shook her head.

"No, let's stay this way Lili. Don't leave me ever again..."

I froze...feeling that sudden pain in my chest once again.

"You're the one who left me first, Jennie." I told to her in my head.

I heaved a sigh.

"You're having a need to eat something so you can drink a medicine." I said instead remembering that she has a fever.

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