Who did it better?

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Jennie's POV

"Ahm Jen?" Jisoo Unnie called me nervously.

I raised my brow.


"I invited Lisa." She almost whispered. She even closed her eyes tightly maybe waiting for me to burst out.

I just hummed as an acknowledgement.

Will she bring her current girlfriend? I asked myself. I hope no...oh shit.

I immediately removed my eyes off of them

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I immediately removed my eyes off of them. Now how I'll act in front of her without acting pathetic? Argh! This is Unnie's fault, she should've informed me earlier.

She seemed happy, though.

That reality hurts me the most.

She better off without me.

I was brought back to reality when I felt someone poke the tip of my nose.

"Penny for your thoughts."

I froze realizing who did that.

"Lisa?" I confirmed the obvious.

She chuckled. How I miss that sound.

"The one and only." She answered playfully. "How are you Jen?" She added.

I cleared my throat before answering.

"G-Good? I guess." I just whispered the last part. Great answer Jennie Kim I scold myself internally.

She smiled at me, the smile I fell in love with, the smile I used to love seeing every time we're together, the smile I took for granted.

"That's nice to know." She softly answered. I'm about to ask her the same thing, how is she but the girl she brought called her.

I secretly rolled my eyes.

"Keep your cool, Jendeuk."

I was startled.

"Yah! What are you talking about, Unnie?"

Jisoo Unnie did not respond and just laughed at me before continue doing her business. It's her birthday by the way and invited us for her party.

Lisa is, well maybe you guessed it already, yup, my ex girlfriend.

We broke up just a week ago and that nerve already has a new girlfriend. Amazing, right?

I admit I'm the one who asked for it but it is because I'm just jealous of how many girls and even boys getting her attention and that oblivious even tolerating them.

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