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I smiled instantly the moment I spotted the love of my life.

"After two years of courting this is the 1st time I saw Jendeuk waiting for you."

I was startled when I heard that, it's Jisoo Unnie's voice. I didn't noticed that she's already beside me.

I smiled widely feeling giddy and about to agree with her when we heard the group of girls not far from us talking.

"Oh! Are they the students from the all boys school beside us?" The girl with curly hair inquired.

"I think so? They're affiliated with our campus so maybe our school's administrators allowed them to use our facility. If I heard it right, their gym is under renovation and basketball inter-school tournament will begin soon." Girl with highlighted hair explained.

"So you mean we'll able to see boys roaming around our campus?" Another girl inquired excitedly.

That's the last thing I heard because they squealed.

I was brought back to reality when Jisoo Unnie nudged me.

"I know what you're thinking Lisa. Approach her before jumping to conclusions, okay?" Unnie advised.

I gave her a forced smile.

"Of course, Unnie." I assured her halfheartedly.

Unnie ruffled my hair before leaving me there.

I sighed. If you're wondering what's happening, well, I already mentioned that I'm courting Jennie Kim, right? She's the most amazing girl I've ever met, well I met a lot of amazing girls but I mean she's different kind of amazing. There's something in her that I want to be with her for the rest of my life. I know it's still early to say those things but there's no harm in dreaming, right?

I cleared my throat to get Jennie's attention. The giddiness I'm feeling a while ago replaced by jealousy. Now I already guessed why she's in front of my room cause the open field is clearly visible here.

Yup, she's checking someone out.

"Oh! Lili. Good you're here." She said with her gummy smile.

I just gave her a nod. Not my usual happy self.

"You okay? Did you failed in one of your quizzes or something?" She cutely inquired. Who will not fall for this girl?

I shook my head.

She pouted.

"Then why you seemed down?" She inquired again clinging her arms on right arm.

"Nothing. I just thought you waited for me." I honestly answered.

She stiffened.

"I-I ah..."

I ruffled her hair.

"It's okay, Nini." I assured her. "That's not even your obligation." I added.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled looking down.

I cupped her face and made her look at me.

"Don't be that cute. You know I'm sucker to that." I tried to joke to lighten the mood but she just pouted. Aish.

I'm about to pinch her fluffy cheeks when someone interrupted our moment.

Euphoria - Jenlisa One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now