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Lisa's POV

I stirred from my sleep and groaned hearing the non-stopped knocks from my front door.

The hell?

It's already midnight.

Who could that be?

I checked the peephole and froze seeing the least person I expect to be here at this hour.

Jennie? What is she doing here?

"Lili? Open the door. I'm cold." She stated with her freezing tone, she'a indeed cold.

Despite all the questions and the sudden pain in my chest, I gently open the door.

She pouted.

"What took you so long, Love?" She said like a baby. The tone she's using when she's disappointed of my actions.

Is she okay?

I ignored her question and ask her instead.

"What happened to your head?"

I should have not feel this concern but I can't help it.

She brought her hand on her head and flinched the moment her fingers touched the gauze.

"Ouch." She winced. "Jisoo Unnie said I had an accident." She added.

I stiffened. Sudden nervousness engulfed me. Why am I not aware?


She rolled her eyes.

"Really? Don't tell me you don't know Lalisa?" She accused. "What's the purpose of being my girlfriend if you're not aware of my whereabouts?" She added, annoyed.

I gulped. Girlfriend? What's happening? Really?

I need to call Jisoo Unnie, I need answers.

"Why are you still standing there, Manoban?" She raised her brow.

"Huh?" I asked cluelessly.

"Give me a hug, perhaps? Tell me, am I really the one got in an accident or you? You seemed lost or something." She continued before making her way to me.

She hug me, burying her face in the crook of my neck.

I don't know what to react but a tear fell from my eye. I thought I already moved on, I thought I'm good but with this simple contact every emotion came back rushing in.

"I missed you, Lili?" She mumbled to my neck. "Why aren't you beside me when I woke up, huh?" Her voice sounded sad. "Jisoo Unnie stopped me from going here, she said I can go tomorrow, she'll drive for me but I can no longer last a minute without seeing your beautiful face." She continued while pulling away to look up at my face.

"Yah? Why are you crying?" She inquired cupping my face as she wipe my tears I failed to noticed that really pouring.

I sniffed then shook my head. I don't know what's really happening but I think for now I need to go with flow, at least until I have the answers to my questions.

I was brought back to reality when she pecked my lips, it's just a millisecond but it's enough to made me remember everything.

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