Stay With Me - Part 2

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Jennie's POV

I took a deep breathe before reciprocating Lisa's smile. If I'll be honest we'll do more than smiling so as early as now I need to get used to this, get used to her charm.

As I approach the location where she at, I'm not sure if I'm just imagining things but it became silent all of a sudden. It's as if its just the two of us. I'm an actress, I know. Drama is my life so if you think I'm overreacting, trust me, I'm not.

I was brought back to reality when I heard camera flashes and murmurs

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I was brought back to reality when I heard camera flashes and murmurs.

"They look so good together."

I even heard someone commented. I tried not to show giddiness, I mean what? I'm flattered, yes, because I'm a huge fan of Lisa but the least thing I can do is to act professional cause at the end of the day we're just here to act. Nothing more or less, just like my previous projects.

I stiffened when Lisa helped me with my chair by pulling it as she guide me to sit down.

I mumbled a low thank you and she just smiled as an acknowledgement. She smells so good. It's hard not to turn into lovesick fan girl especially that you're beside your ultimate idol.

I avoid looking at her or worst making eye contact so she won't think of me as a creep, I just busied myself looking at the papers resting on the table, and to be honest even if how much I tried to read what's on this, nothing is registering cause my full attention is on the person beside me.

After a decade, just kidding, that's what it felt like though. One of the staff approach and informed us that the press conference will about to start.

I creased my brows in confusion. Usually before public conference like this, there should be a closed room meeting between casts, director, writers and so on but why now they proceeded to this first?

"Good day everyone! Thank you for coming in here even in a late notice." Our director started. "Well, maybe you ladies and gents wondering what is the purpose of this?" She continued as the crowd agrees to the question.

"...well, as you all know or maybe not?" She chuckled and that made us chuckle as well. One of the reasons I don't have 2nd thought about accepting this project is because of her, our director, Director Jessi, she's really good at what she's doing plus she's really a good friend of mine so I know I'll be in good hands. "..we will be having the first ever GL series of the country and I'm so stoked to announce that the leads will be none other than Lalisa Manoban and Jennie Kim." She added.

Murmurs can be heard.

"This impromptu press conference is somewhat our kind of "pulse survey" of the possible reactions the audience will feel or think like once we aired this series." Jessi look at us. I don't know what to react I mean, me myself, I'm shocked and unaware of this information. "Just a fun fact our leads don't have no idea of this and don't even have a proper meeting, this is their first time seeing each other in person, so just like you, they're clueless of everything I'm saying right now, I'm so cool, yeah?" She joked and everyone laugh while I shook my head in disbelief smiling. Why I didn't think about it? Knowing her as THE director, for sure there are lots of things up her sleeve. She don't settle for mediocre especially that this will serve as the first ever GL theme of the country. "So without further ado, I'll give you guys the floor and feel free to ask questions to our lovely leads."

I gulped and gave Lisa a quick look not realizing she's also looking at me.

We're interrupted when someone from the crowd cleared her throat.

"You feel that?" The person who cleared the throat asked. "Yup, there's already tension in here." She added, eyeing Lisa and I teasingly.

The crowd cheered, are they somewhat agreeing?

After a couple of seconds she continued.

"Hi girls." She greeted and I smiled at her, based on my peripheral, Lisa also smiled. "I commend this cause you guys really look good together, I mean even before this project became a reality are you aware that people shipping you even there's no like actual scenario where in the two of you meet?" She asked.

I gestured Lisa to answer first. I want to hear her answer cause me, I admit I'm all aware of that. I even saved some of our fan edits pictures that really look legit. I'm sorry, I did mention I am a fan of hers right? So I think you understand.

Fortunately Lisa proceeded first.

"First, I want to greet each and everyone here a good day. Its been a while since I do a press conference so l guess I'm kinda rusty..." The crowd swoon with her words. She already starting. See how charming this girl can me? That's what I'm talking about when I said press loves her. I'm not looking at her, at least I'm  trying not to look at her but she tilt her head to focus on me so I have no choice but to reciprocate that look.

I subtly bit my lower lip, one of my habits when I'm nervous.

I saw how her eyes look down at my lips. I think I'm melting.

"Is this what you called love at first sight?" She asked teasingly and that made me gasped.

This time, my attention is solely to her, I no longer hear the crowd.

She extended her hand.

"How rude I am not to introduce myself." She continued as I accept her hand for a handshake. "Well gorgeous to others I'm Lalisa but for you, I'm "yours"."

Is that a pick up line?

My face felt warm, I know I'm blushing.

"That's Manoban y'all! In character already huh!" I was brought back to reality when I heard someone shouted that.

She just smiled at me as she gently gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

I cough to cleared my throat.

"Well, ahm I'm Jennie Kim and I, ah...."

"I'm taken."

A/N: Apologies for the delay and errors. 🤧

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