Good For You - Part 5

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"Lisa? What the hell?!"

I see how Lisa scrunched her nose trying to remove some powder out off of her face.

"It hurts!" She exclaimed and good thing I have a bottled water with me so I immediately use water to wash her face. I hand her my handkerchief after.

She sighed afterwards.

"That's better." She even chuckled.

I raised my brow. No need for me to say a word. She already know what I want to hear.

"I thought we already talked about this Jennie?" She asks with a disappointed tone and whether I admit it or not, I don't want that kind of tone especially if it's from her.

I pouted.

"It's just a prank Lisa." I defended. "Right, girls?" I even asks help to my accomplices, my co-cheerleaders. They even come out to their hiding place.

Lisa just stared at me blankly then nod before leaving me there.

"Yah! Lisa?" I tried to chase her gladly even if her steps are much longer than mine, I'm able to reached her.

I moved in front of her, walking backwards so I can face her while we're walking.

She's not looking at me so I pouted. I'm not the "aegyo" type of girl who will use her charm just to soften someones heart but with Lisa, I can't help it or maybe because I'm not used to this kind of Lisa. A cold one.

"You're mad." I stated the obvious.

"I'm not." She countered. It's the first time she talked to me this way. I guess she's really disappointed.

"I won't do it again, I promise...just don't be mad. Please?" I tried to assure her.

She just quickly glance at me.

I stopped walking so she don't have a choice but to stop as well cause if not she'll bump to me.

I walked near her to close our already small distance, she's still avoiding my eyes so I have no choice but to cup her face.

"Look at me, Lisa?"

That's the only time she looks at me.

"What?" She inquired seriously.

"Let's go get our lunch? That's the reason you're there right? You're looking for me?" I asks non-stopped and she just heaved a sigh.

"You can take your lunch, Jennie." She said removing my hands off of her face. "I no longer have the appetite to eat." She added.

"What's wrong with you really?" I asked in annoyance this time. I mean I get it, she's mad but I already apologize and assured her I won't do it again. What else can I do to make up to her?

Then I witness how she bit her lower lip. She's messing with me.

"I hate you!" I exclaimed and about to leave her but she carry me bridal style.

I squealed.

"I love you too!" She responded and I stopped for a second because of that, good thing I recovered in an instant. "Yah! Stay still, Princess or else you'll fall." She warned when I tried to push her. I got scared so I have no choice but to let her and just cling to her neck.

She is now smiling big, the typical Lisa that I know.

"Just so you know, I'm still mad at you." I informed her.

"You're not." She confidently countered giving me a quick glance and a wink. "Where do you want to eat?" She asks.

"I have no appetite to eat. Eat alone." I copied her and that made her chuckle.

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