Let's Do It! - Final

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Please reread previous chapter.


"Good Morning, Nini!"

"Yah!" I shouted cause I was startled with Lisa's sudden appearance.

She just chuckled then apologized afterwards.

"What are you doing here? It's still early." I asked.

"Well I told you I'll make you fall for me so that's what I'm doing." She casually stated after winking at me.

I looked away cause she'll see that I'm blushing but it's too late, she noticed it already.

"Am I succeeding already?" She inquired after putting down on the dining table the mugs of hot chocolate in front of me. I also see pancakes.

"You cooked?" I asks in disbelief.

"Yah! Don't act as if I'm a hopeless case in terms of cooking Ruby Jane." She stated cutely that I can't help but to chuckled.

"Well you can't blame me...I'm basing it on my personal experien..."

She interrupted me by feeding me the pancake she just cooked.

Not in harsh-way of course.

I just unconsciously open my mouth then eat it.

I hummed.

"Not bad." I commended.

"I know." She proudly stated grinning. "Now eat." She instructed and I happily obliged until I noticed something.

"What's that?" I inquired.

She creased her brows before answering.

"Huh? Oh these?" She pointed out to the burnt pancakes on her plates. "These were my failed attempts..." She chuckled. "...but these are not bad as it look like." She added then took a bite.

I scrunched my face.

"Lisa?!" I exclaimed.

"What?" She asked again chewing hardly.

"Don't eat that, here let's share." I offered her the pancakes that she made perfectly.

She shook her head.

"No Nini, I specifically made that for you. Besides like what I said these are not that bad."

I don't know what to feel with this kind of Lisa. Overwhelmed that she always prioritize me or annoyed for her being selfless.

"Yah! What are you doing?" She complained when I get some of the burnt pancakes from her plate then put it on my plate. I also put some good one from mine then transferred it to her plate.

"Let's share, Lalisa." I sternly said.

"...but Nini." She's about to disagree but I glared at her so she just closed her mouth and kept silent.

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