Love Language

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Seulgi's POV

I creased my brows.

"What are you doing, Lis?" I inquired seeing my friend meticulously separating beans from the viand we just bought.

"Oh? Jennie hates beans." She simply answered as she hands Jennie her plate without beans of course.

I hummed.

"What?" She asks in confusion, maybe after not hearing any response from me. Well, more of maybe because all eyes are on her.

"Yah! Stop it, guys." Jennie defended when she noticed that Lisa became uncomfortable.

I shook my head in amazement, until now I wonder how they become a couple, they are total opposite if you'll ask me. Though , I can't also deny that despite that reality, on the other hand they also compliments each other.


Still Seulgi's POV

"No way." I said in disbelief.

Lisa chuckled.

"Ms. Kim, tell me you're joking." I confirmed.

My eyes widen when instead of confirming that she's just joking, she even cling her arms to Lisa's right arm.

"I'm not Seulg's." She smiled to me then divert her look to Lisa. "We're now in a relationship, right Lili?" She added asking Lisa's approval.

I gasped when Lisa kissed Jennie's temple making the latter blush.

"Yes, she's mine." Lisa answered proudly. "So stop drooling every time you see my Nini." She added.

"Yah! I'm not drooling!" I defended.

Lisa raised her brow.

"Okay, maybe a little but not anymore." I explained.

Jennie just watching us bicker.

"So what did you see to her, Ms. Kim?" I inquired. Don't get me wrong, not that having a relationship with Lisa is Jennie's loss, it's just that I can't really comprehend how this happened. They live in totally different worlds, Jennie is part of a popular group, her being the Student Council President, part of Cheer Leading Team and a lot more clubs while me and Lisa? We're THE NOBODY's CLUB. Typical students who just want to graduate. So imagine the collapse the first day we saw them together, if I remember it right (of course I remember, it's like an eclipse that rare to happen), its been the talk of the school for months, specially that day followed by the next day and the day short they've been stuck on each others side to the point that if you don't see them together, that is more unlikely.

My thoughts get interrupted when Jennie gave me a kind smile.

I avoid staring at her.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed when Lisa just smacked me. "What was that for?!" I questioned, as I rub the back of my head.

"You're drooling." She stated glaring at me.

I pouted. "I told you, I'm not!" I denied.

"Lisa." Jennie's tone changed.

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