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P.S: Kindly read it first.

"Hey Mom." I greeted Jennie's mother.

"Lisa? Honey?" She greeted. "You're early." She added.

I chuckled.

I scratched my nape.

"Yeah, ah, I really tried to finish all my requirements so I can go back early." I shyly stated.

Mom heaved a sigh.

"Don't be so hard on yourself Lisa, I know Jennie will worry if she see you like this." She said concernedly.

I just gave her a small smile and about to give her an assurance that I'm okay but we're interrupted.


I turned to look for the owner of that voice.

My eyes lit up.

"Hey there my little one." I greeted the 3 year old girl running towards me.

She raised her arms asking to be carry and I immediately oblige.

"How's my baby?" I kissed her cheek.

"G-good, halmeoni s-said you'll arrive tomorrow?" She asked confusedly in her baby voice.

I chuckled.

"Well, I can't miss you and Mommy Jennie's birthday." I told her lovingly.

She gave me her gummy smile, same exact smile Jennie had.


"Lisa, sweetheart? It's been days. You should go home."

I shook my head.

"I will Mom, ah, I, not just today." I mumbled.

It's been, I don't know how long already since my Nini left me. Everyday I prayed it to be this just a nightmare, that eventually I'll wake up and will see her smiling at me and hear her tell me how much she loves me but no, every time the reality of this being true is slowly killing me.

I didn't realized I'm crying again looking to the cold stone with her name engraved on it.

"I missed her so much Mom." I mumbled in my broken voice. "I should follow her." I added mindlessly.


I was startled hearing it.

This is the only moment I decided to turned to face Jennie's Mom. She's also crying.

It broke me more.

Jennie asked me to take care of her parents but here I am being a burden.

I stood up and run to hug her. She hugs back.

"I'm so sorry Mom." I cried harder.

She's also crying.

"Don't you dare say that again or even think doing it." She said firmly.

I nodded.

"I'm sorry, I just missed her, it hurts so much." I admitted.

She nodded. She's the mother, if anyones know the pain more than anyone it's her. She's the one gave birth to Jennie.

"I know sweetie, trust me I know..." She answered pulling away to look at me. "...but we need to be strong, Jennie don't want to see us being like this." She added.

I nodded sniffing.

"There's one thing we need to tell you."

She looked at her back and that's the only time I noticed Mr. Kim. He's also crying silently.

Euphoria - Jenlisa One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now