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Lisa's POV

"No!" Jennie said stubbornly for the nth time.

Its been hours and they're just circling back to the topic again and again.

I heaved a sigh, specially seeing Jennie's pale face.

"Just let her, Unnie." I interrupted.

They both stopped from arguing and look at me.

"She's still sick, just let her stay here for a while until she recovered." I continued not looking at Jennie's direction but Unnie's but I see in my peripheral view that she smiled.

"...but Lisa.."

"No buts, Unnie, you heard Lisa. I'll sleep now." Jennie said dismissively to Unnie and about to return back to my room but I stopped her by holding her wrist.

She looks at me confusedly.

"I told you, you need to eat and take a medicine." I reminded, I checked her temperature by holding her forehead. Good thing it's not that hot compared to earlier. "Unnie just eat here as well, I'll cook us something." I added.

"Holy shit!" Unnie exclaimed. "You know now how to cook?" She asked with disbelief. I don't know if I'll be insulted or laugh by that reaction, I decided to choose the latter.

"Yeah, things you learn when you left alone." I responded. I didn't intend to sound bitter but it seems liked it.

Silence. Now it's awkward.

I cleared my throat.

"Y-You can change your clothes Jen, ahm, just check my closet to get something to wear." I said instead. She's full of sweat a while ago and I know it already dried on her body. Knowing her she's already uncomfortable, she's not fond of filthy things, well, maybe that's the reason why she get rid of me. I scoffed internally.

"Ah, yeah...thank you, Lili." She almost whispered.

Remind me to reprimand her of calling me that.

I nodded and headed towards my kitchen.



[still Lisa's POV]

I jump a little when Unnie speak asking if she can help.

"Yah! Unnie!" I whined and she just chuckled.

She walks near me.

"Wow. You really know now how to cook, huh?" She complimented.

"Of course, Unnie." I boast. "You thought I'm just messing with you?" I teased.

"Nah...of course not." She defended.

She reached for some ingredients that still need to be chop.

We work in silence.

I don't know how long we stayed that way until  Unnie decided to broke it.

"What are you doing, Lis?" She inquired.

"What do you mean, Unnie?" I countered.

"We both know you can easily cast Jennie away of your place." She explained. "Why you're allowing this now?" She added asking.

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