One Night - Final

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Please reread previous chapters. 🙏🏻

Lisa's POV

"C-Can we practice again, Lisa?" She shyly stated.

I froze.

Is she asking me again to have sex with her?

I'm about to answer but she speak again.

"Never mind, I was just kidding." She hastily stated and about to leave me there but I gripped her right wrist to stop her.

She look at me with confused expression.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

She heaved a sigh and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for ah, ahm..." She stuttered.

"You're jealous." I stated cockily.

"Wait? What? No!" She exclaimed making me giggle.

I poked her nose.

"You're definitely jealous Ms. Kim." I said grinning.

"You're unbelievable." She rolled her eyes. "Why would I be jealous I'm literally in a relationship right now." She added.

I hummed as a response and that maybe cause more annoyance in her.

"Argh!" She said frustratingly and stormed out the kitchen.

I shook my head chuckling.


Jennie's POV

"Me? Jealous? Pfft! She's making me laugh." I said to myself.

I decided to open my social media account to kill time only to see my boyfriend posted a picture of him partying last time?

"Is this the reason why he can't make it last time? What a douchebag."


I gasped when I heard that.

"What the hell?!" I inquired looking at Lisa with annoyed expression.

"What? I'm about to invite you to eat breakfast together or else..."

"Shut up!" I interrupted her and pulled her to our kitchen.

She chuckled.

I'm glad that she can't see my face cause if she can she will surely tease me more.

Night Time

Lisa's POV

"Where are you going?" Jennie inquired.

"Out? I'll meet Rosé." I informed.

"Oh. Your girlfriend?" She asked again.

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