Alone Time

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Jennie's POV

"Ready Love?" Lisa asked after she pecked my lips.

I nodded smiling.

"Yup." I responded. She hold my hand and intertwined it to hers. We're together for almost 3 years now but every time she does this I can't help but blushed.

She opened her car's passengers door for me but before I entered I turned to face her first.

"You forgot something? Get in, I'll get it for you." She stated concernedly.

I shook my head. Is it possible to miss someone even though you're together and see each other almost everyday? Well in my case that's possible.

I bit my lower lip.

"You need something?" She asked again.

"You." I mindlessly stated. "I-ah I mean are you busy love? Can you ahm, ah sleep over at my place? I terribly missed you." I stated.

Well we're currently in our last year of college so we have LOTS of things on our plate. Requirements, deadlines, projects and a lot more so me and Lisa rarely have our alone time. The only time we spent with each other these passed days were composed of her fetching and dropping me by at home and sometimes eating lunch together but that's rare as well cause we have different schedules.

She smiled at me fondly.

"I missed you too, Love. Of course I would love to spend time with you." She answered lovingly before pecking my lips once again.

I nodded satisfied before entering her car.


Jennie's Residence

I hold Lisa's wrist and pulled her directly to my room.

"Baby? I'll just wash up, get something inside my closet. You know where you can get your clothes." I instructed. Yup, she used to sleep here so some of her clothes are still here.

I heard that she just hummed as an acknowledgement as I continue to walk inside my comfort room.

I changed into oversized shirt and short shorts.

I found Lisa busying herself watching one of our favorite series. I'm two episodes ahead of her, don't judge me, I asked for her permission, I can't wait to watch it and she's busier than I am so she have no choice but to agreed in two conditions that I'll not spoil to her what happened and I'll still watch it with her. Such a kid.

I flopped myself beside her, she opened her arms inviting me for a hug which I immediately accepted, side hugging her.

We both sighed in content. It seemed forever since we did this.

I felt that she kissed the top of my head.

I pulled her closer. I yawned all of a sudden I'm sleepy.

"You want to sleep baby?" She confirmed.

I shook my head, I promised I watch these episodes with her.

She chuckled and cupped my face using her right hand making me look up at her, her left hand hugging my waist.

She kissed the tip of my nose making me scrunched it.

"You're so cute baby. I know how sleepy head you are. Take a nap, I'll just finish these two episodes then we can watch the next one together." She stated.

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