Love Stain

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Lisa's POV

I met you accidentally but fell in love with you willingly.

Jennie Ruby Jane Kim

The most charismatic girl I've ever met.

**Series Of Flashbacks Ahead**

[still Lisa's POV]

"I'm doomed! Jisoo Unnie will literally kill me!" I groaned looking at my wrist watch. I'm almost an hour late and I'm still here on the road waiting for a cab.

My eyes lit up seeing one and hastily rushed to its location.

"Finall..." I'm about to open the cab's passengers door but stopped when another hand appeared out of nowhere also holding the door handle.

Are you kidding me?!

I saw this first.

I looked to my side to scold the owner of the hand but stop when I fully see her face.

Gosh, she's gorgeous.

"I-ah..." I stuttered. Nice.

She chuckled then patted my cheek.

"I know cutie, I get that a lot." She said teasingly then proceeded inside the cab.

I thought they'll leave already but she tilt her head to check on me, who's still outside the cab.

"Let's go." She invited and even gestured her head to come inside. "You seemed in a hurry as well." She added then winked at me.

I gulped and followed her mindlessly.

I'm looking outside collecting all my thoughts inside me that scattered the moment I laid my eyes on the beauty beside me but interrupted again when I heard a contagious chuckle.

Despite the embarrassment I'm feeling I looked to my side only to be welcome by this stranger's beautiful gummy smile.

"You're cute. I'm not a rapist or any sort of that so relax, okay?" She assured. She even tapped my shoulder.

"Rapi..? No! No!" When I realized what she meant I immediately denied what she thought I'm thinking, I even gestured my hands that it's not what she thinks. She just laugh louder. Maybe she thought that way cause I'm sitting almost on the edge of cab's chair, I mean my side really pressed on the passenger's door and to make it worst I'm still holding the door's handle.

"If you say so." She stated grinning when her laugh subsided.

We're interrupted when the cab's driver speak asking us where to go.

"Seoul Tower"

We said in unison.

We look at each other.

I don't know what to say but she on the other hand mumbled.


Another Flashback

[still Lisa's POV]

"Come on, Nini."


"You said you love me." I acted cute.

She chuckled.

"I do." She said lovingly afterwards.

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